Category Archives: Elections & Politics (U.S.)

Haley jumps out; will Mitch jump in?

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Haley Barbour won’t run for president. So… will Mitch Daniels? I hope so! Barbour and Daniels are close friends, and they share many of the same establishment, big-money type supporters, so the assumption has been that they wouldn’t both run. Well, the ball’s in your court, Mitch! As I’ve said before, Daniels articulates a lot of conservatism’s good ideas without… Read more »

I’m the map, I’m the map, I’m the map

Larry Sabato has unveiled his initial electoral map for 2012: The broad outlines of the projection should surprise no one, and the specifics don’t really matter too much at this early date. For instance, just going by my gut instinct, I might call Florida, Indiana and perhaps North Carolina “Leans R” instead of “Tossup” — but who cares? It’s way… Read more »

Debt limit, here we come

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#PANIC!!: Federal borrowing is on pace to hit the legal limit on the national debt in less than a week. … As of the close of business Tuesday…the U.S. Treasury [had] the authority to borrow only an additional $25.635 billion before it hits the statutory debt limit. … [D]uring the first 821 days of Obama’s presidency the debt increased by… Read more »

Two cheers for the welfare state

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It’s a few days old, but via Jim Kelly, I’ve just discovered David Frum’s article “Two Cheers for the Welfare State.” Frum, if you don’t know, is a former National Review editor and George W. Bush speechwriter, a one-time “true believer” in all things conservative, but who has become associated in recent years with the GOP’s centrist wing. Anyway, I… Read more »

In the great green room…

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Due to my Twitter hiatus, I can’t retweet this tweet by @pourmecoffee — so I’ll blog it and blockquote it instead: Goodnight moon. Goodnight Boehner, goodnight Reid. Goodnight Bachmann, goodnight Trump’s hair, goodnight morons everywhere. LOL!!! By the way, you can consider this an open thread on the impending government shutdown if you want. I don’t really have anything much… Read more »


      14 Comments on OMG FRAUD IN WISCONSIN!!!!! (not)

King County, Washington, meet Waukesha County, Wisconsin: In one explosive stroke Thursday, the clerk in a Republican stronghold tilted the tight Supreme Court race in favor of Justice David Prosser by recovering thousands of untallied votes for the incumbent. Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said Thursday that she failed to save on her computer and then report 14,315 votes in… Read more »