Category Archives: News

In the great green room…

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Due to my Twitter hiatus, I can’t retweet this tweet by @pourmecoffee — so I’ll blog it and blockquote it instead: Goodnight moon. Goodnight Boehner, goodnight Reid. Goodnight Bachmann, goodnight Trump’s hair, goodnight morons everywhere. LOL!!! By the way, you can consider this an open thread on the impending government shutdown if you want. I don’t really have anything much… Read more »


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King County, Washington, meet Waukesha County, Wisconsin: In one explosive stroke Thursday, the clerk in a Republican stronghold tilted the tight Supreme Court race in favor of Justice David Prosser by recovering thousands of untallied votes for the incumbent. Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said Thursday that she failed to save on her computer and then report 14,315 votes in… Read more »

The Middle East’s Facebook status should be “It’s Complicated”

Thomas Friedman nails it, or so it seems to me, in his analysis of what Andrew Sullivan calls the Middle East’s 1848 — starting with the line “This is really hard stuff, and it’s just the beginning.” When an entire region that has been living outside the biggest global trends of free politics and free markets for half a century… Read more »

Generic Republican generically enters presidential race with generic ad

I’ve long said Tim Pawlenty is the “Generic Republican” — that mythical figure in the polls, who does better against Obama than actual Republicans with actual name recognition — much like Richard Gephardt was the “Generic Democrat” in 2004 who, in retrospect, would have stood a much better chance against Bush than any of the more exciting but deeply flawed… Read more »

44 honors 41

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George H.W. Bush got the Presidential Medal of Freedom yesterday. Here he is, from the official White House Flickr account, meeting beforehand with Obama in the Oval Office: I’ll always have a soft spot for 41, who, as vice president, wrote (or at least signed…or had somebody stamp his signature on…shh, don’t shatter my childhood delusions) a letter to me… Read more »

Sullivan savages Obama’s budget “betrayal”

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Andrew Sullivan is finally back to blogging after a long health hiatus that stretched back to before the State of the Union address. I’ve been wondering, ever since the SOTU, whether Sullivan would share my disgust at Obama’s abject failure to pivot toward fiscal responsibility in a serious way. I expected that he would. And boy, was I ever right:… Read more »