Category Archives: News

Countdown reaches zero

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MSNBC talk-show host Keith Olbermann unexpectedly announced the end of his show Countdown today. The eight-year-long show was the highest-rated on MSNBC. Olbermann, who gained fame as a host of Sports Center on ESPN, started the show as a humorous look at the news, but morphed into a vocal liberal critic in the later half of the Bush presidency. (Hat… Read more »

Romney, Huckabee, Palin, Pawlenty, Barbour, Daniels… and 13 others

Two years to the day before America either inaugurates a new president or re-inaugurates the current one (or, you know, fails to inaugurate anybody due to the declaration of martial law amid the post-apocalyptic nightmare following the End of the World in 2012), Larry Sabato offers some political junkie porn in the form of 19 — count ’em, 19 —… Read more »

JOEMENTUM HALTED: Lieberman reportedly will not seek re-election

Joe Lieberman will announce Wednesday whether he intends to seek re-election as Connecticut’s senior U.S. Senator in 2012, and reports say he has decided not to run. [UPDATE: It’s official.] As long-time readers know, this blog and its predecessors have a long and complicated history with Senator Joementum. I am, of course, a Nutmegger by birth, and thus have followed… Read more »

President Obama’s speech

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It was, by nearly universal acclamation of liberals and conservatives alike, brilliant. The pep-rally-like crowd reaction was inappropriate and jarring at times, but Obama cut through that with a speech that was simply pitch-perfect. Notably, two of its key lines — announcing that Rep. Giffords opened her eyes today, and the phrase “–it did not–” interjected into a discussion of… Read more »

In which Sarah Palin reminds me of… myself. And not in a good way.

As you may have heard, former Republican vice-presidential nominee and future presidential candidate Sarah Palin today decided it would be a good idea, on the very day of the memorial service for the victims of a deranged, ideologically incoherent lunatic’s murderous rampage in Arizona, to respond to her critics by accusing them of “manufacturing a blood libel” against her. In… Read more »

Atrocity in Arizona

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I haven’t blogged about this morning’s awful shooting at a “Congress on Your Corner” event in Tucson, in which a gunman of unknown motive and mental state attacked American democracy, critically injured a congresswoman, killed a federal judge, and killed or injured various others. But I’ve been tweeting up a storm about it, as you can see over on the… Read more »

Tweet-rant of the day: vaccines, autism, pernicious lies & societal rot

I went on a bit of a Twitter rant just now, via iPhone while grabbing a coffee at Starbucks, after my phone got a CNN Breaking News alert which announced: “A now-retracted UK study that linked autism to childhood vaccines was an ‘elaborate fraud,’ a medical journal reports.” Here’s the rant: What say you, @JennyMcCarthy? RT @cnnbrk: Study linking #autism… Read more »

CotW: A Call for a Global Warming Related Moratorium (In Brief)

Okay, I’ll be quick here. I have no interest in engaging anyone about the science of global warming, if it is a danger, and/or if we caused it. I have my ideas on this and I am sure you have yours. And for this moment, that’s all well and good. Right now, all I want is a little sanity.  A… Read more »

Shameless, unbelievable GOP cynicism reaches new heights of absurdity

I’m pretty cynical and jaded, but this is truly f***ing outrageous: This afternoon, as momentum began to build for repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) threatened that if Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) brings up a vote to repeal the ban, Republicans would not support ratification of the New START treaty. … Other Republican Senators — including… Read more »