Category Archives: News

Curran, perfect in Senate, leads contest, but TheSplenda may be the favorite

With Rossi conceding to Murray in WA-SEN, and projecting that Blumenthal will win by double-digits in CT-SEN (he’s leading by 10.7% with 96% of the precincts reporting), plus another error corrected, things are finally coming into focus in the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest. The bottom line: Kevin Curran is the current leader, but TheSplenda is… Read more »

Curran, Splenda tied in Election Contest

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I wrote earlier, of the LRT Election Prediction Contest, that I hadn’t had time to “make the standings chart pretty.” Well, now I’ve made it pretty! You can see for yourself: HTML version, PDF version. It shows every contestant’s pick for every question, colored green if correct, red if incorrect, or gray if the result is unknown as of yet…. Read more »

LRT Midterm Contest too close to call; for the moment, I’m ahead

I don’t have time to do a full analysis of scenarios, or make the standings chart pretty, so I’ll open-source it — if anybody wants to try and figure out the various scenarios, here are the full current standings, plus everyone’s picks on the uncalled or possibly recount-bound races (AK-SEN, CO-SEN, WA-SEN, CT-GOV, IL-GOV) and miscellaneous questions (the closest Senate… Read more »

Election Day live-tweeting

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All day long Tuesday, my tweets will appear, in real-time, in the window below. So will Becky‘s, Nate Silver‘s, Drudge_Siren‘s, and, just for fun, the Big Ben Clock‘s. Election Day 2010 (You’ll need to initially hit “Click for Live Updates” to get things moving.) To join in the conversation, tweet something @brendanloy, and/or with the hashtag #lrt10, and it’ll appear… Read more »

From the archives: How the LRT covered the last GOP wave

One of the neat things about deciding last year to name my blog “The Living Room Times,” and link it to my middle- and high-school newspaper of that name from 1993 through 1999, is that it effectively extended the institutional memory of this enterprise back more than an extra decade-and-a-half, allowing me to occasionally draw from some really old archives…. Read more »

Myths About the Tea Parties

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John Judis of The New Republic identifies four: 1. “The Tea Party is not a movement.” 2. “The Tea Party is a fascist movement.” 3. “The Tea Party is racist.” 4. “The Tea Party is a conventional Republican group funded by big business.” Judis is doing a public service, but I suspect that many of his fellow liberals are still… Read more »

Enter my Election Prediction Contest!

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Election Day is five days away, and that can mean only two things: one, conservatives are practically wetting themselves with glee and excitement, while Democrats flip-flop between desperate hope and abject #PANIC!!!; and two, it’s time for the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest! As always with LRT/ contests, it’s free to enter. So, political junkies: put your… Read more »

“Princess Sarah”

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In the course of introducing a Politico story reporting that GOP insiders say Sarah Palin isn’t making any friends on the midterm-election campaign trail with her erratic and unprofessional behavior, Jonathan Chait gives a rather hilarious summation of his take, prior to digesting this new piece of information, on a potential Palin presidential run: I’ve been assuming for a while… Read more »