Category Archives: News

“Christ, I miss the Cold War!” ;}

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The quote, of course, is from “M” as wonderfully portrayed by Judi Dench in “Casino Royale”, 2006. The inspiration is from the FBI, which has just busted a veritable burrowfull of Russian moles, operating here under Deep Cover for many years. No one answered the telephone late Monday afternoon at the news media office for the Russian Embassy. A State… Read more »

Did the GOP just get a fresh shot at a Senate majority? [UPDATE: No.]

Forgive me for being crassly political in the immediate aftermath of the sad news of Robert Byrd’s death — but there is, of course, a significant electoral and political angle to this. At least two such angles, actually. The U.S. Senate now has 99 senators — 56 Democrats, 2 Dem-caucusing independents, and 41 Republicans — and the question of who… Read more »

Heckuva job, Barry?

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Although I don’t find much value in his overarching thesis that Barack Obama is just like Vladimir Putin, except less effective at being a thug, Michael Barone makes some concerning points about the oil spill response. I’d love to hear convincing rebuttals, if they exist. Barone: Obama’s decision to impose a six-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf…penalizes… Read more »

The soft bias of high expectations?

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On Twitter yesterday, Melissa Clouthier and I had another one of our epic back-and-forth tweet-debates, complete with multi-part tweets (mostly by me) and rhetorical fireworks. Melissa is on record as calling me her “blog husband,” so is it any wonder we bicker on Twitter like an old married couple? Heh. Anyway, this time, the topic was “unexpectedly” bad economic news… Read more »

iPhone rumor/speculation whiplash alert

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Cult of Mac, 4:17 AM: “Reality Check: The iPhone’s Not Going to T-Mobile or Verizon Anytime Soon” Cult of Mac, 6:42 AM: “Report: Apple to Ship CDMA iPhone in Fourth Quarter” At this point, I’m rooting for the first story to be true, because if #2 is correct, I’m going to feel like a complete sucker for buying an AT&T-saddled… Read more »

Big XII becomes the Sports Bubble Ten

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If Kyle Whelliston is right about the “Sports Bubble” — basically, the idea that sports (and “sportz“) are massively overvalued right now, and it’s all gonna break, and soon — I wonder if we’ll look back on yesterday’s events as the crest of the bubble’s rise, to be followed by a gradual, and then accelerating, decline as the bubble bursts…. Read more »

Did red tape doom the Louisiana marshlands?

For all the empty MSM chatter about the Gulf oil spill as “Obama’s Katrina,” the president’s failure to adequately emote, the potential political ramifications, etc. etc., one thing I haven’t really heard is much in the way of cogent, logical criticisms relating to specific, impactful, preventable errors or omissions in the response to the spill. Haven’t heard, that is, until… Read more »