Category Archives: News

Alan Sullivan “sliding to the end”?

If I met Alan Sullivan, a.k.a. “Seablogger,” on the street — or at a Tea Party or a Sarah Palin rally, perhaps — I’d dismiss him as a right-wing nutjob. And perhaps I’d be right to do so: he does believe some things that I find profoundly wacky, indefensible even. As I wrote in a never-published draft from September 2009,… Read more »

Million, billion, what’s the difference?

[I’ve bumped this post up, because it got quickly drowned on the homepage yesterday by U.K. election coverage. -ed.] Thursday afternoon’s stock-market PANIC!!!!! may have been caused, in large part, by a trader typing “b” (for billion) instead of “m” (for million). Charles Fenwick suggests a Budweiser commercial based on this event: Real Men of Genius Here’s to you, Mr…. Read more »

Times Square evacuated (again)

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Auto-tweets are turned off right now, but CNN just sent out a Breaking News Alert staying simply: “New York’s Times Square evacuated.” What now??? UPDATE: “Times Square has been evacuated because of a suspicious package. Watch live:” “Suspicious packages” usually turn out to be nothing, but we’ll see. P.S. LOL: “You have to wonder about the folks who are… Read more »


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Party like it’s 2008! The Dow Jones Industrials briefly dropped 998.50 points this afternoon, then recovered within minutes to a loss in the 400 to 500 range, and is now… well… see for yourself where it is now, since anything I type will be obsolete by the time I hit “Publish.” Needless to say, during the crazy moments between, like,… Read more »

Railroad, steamboat, river and canal…

Two in the middle and I can’t catch Cameron. Two in the middle and I can’t get around. Two in the middle and I can’t catch Cameron. Goodbye, Gordon Brown. [/obscure Chad Mitchell Trio reference that only my parents will get] Uh, so there’s an election today across the pond, over in the U.K., or as Wonkette and other snarky… Read more »

Lieberman’s citizenship-stripping bill: Bad idea, or worst idea ever?

In the wake of the latest asinine debate over whether U.S. citizens arrested on U.S. soil on suspicion of terrorism (conservative police-statists, please stop and re-read that phrase — “on suspicion of” — as in, not convicted, as in not guilty, as in presumed innocent — as many times as necessary until your alleged small-government principles are activated) should be… Read more »

My Defining Days of the Decade: #3

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Continuing with my long-delayed Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade series, we’re into the home stretch now, the Top 3. Unfortunately, in contrast to many joyous days on the list, this one is memorable for all the wrong reasons. But its status as a defining day — of my decade, and probably of yours too — is undeniable. First, to… Read more »

A scary thought: Hurricane Oil?

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There’s a lot of talk about the allegedly slow reaction to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill being “Obama’s Katrina.” I haven’t followed it closely enough to have an opinion on that. But could the moniker prove more literal than anyone now imagines? Blogger Alan Sullivan, who predicted “significant harm to the Gulf” from the BP explosion at a time… Read more »

NERD PROM! Obama rips Leno, Biden, Goldman, Rahm, Crist, Steele, Romney, Brown, Palin, himself at “big f***in’ meal”

Lots of good stuff at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, a.k.a. #nerdprom, last night. I love the jabs at Leno. And Orly Taitz is totally working on a new federal court filing as we speak. OMG HE ADMITTED HE WAS BORN IN KENYA!!! HE ADMITTED HE HASN’T SHOWN US HIS REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!! [Bumped. -ed.] UPDATE: After the jump, the… Read more »