Category Archives: News

A friendly reminder about reconciliation, the filibuster, “nuclear options” and such

None of the political leaders in Washington hold, or care about, the moral high ground when it comes to these sorts of procedural arguments. NONE OF THEM. They’re all hypocrites with respect to such arguments. ALL OF THEM. The majority always likes majoritarian procedures; the minority always hates them. The minority always likes procedures that preserve minority power; the majority… Read more »

Health Reform = Thermonuclear War

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Remember what I said about how I love and hate Drudge? This is a classic example: Heh. (Here’s the story he’s linking.) UPDATE: As is being pointed out in comments, this bit of hyperbole isn’t even accurate on its own terms. The so-called “nuclear option” is the elimination of the filibuster (at least for certain purposes, like judicial nominations), not… Read more »

CNN relocates Hawaii; hilarity ensues

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Orly Taitz will surely be calling CNN’s Rick Sanchez soon, to learn more about this South American island nation of “Hawaii”: (Hat tip: Wonkette.) As they say on Twitter, #cnnfail.

Nuance, thy name is NOT Matt Drudge

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So, this is a mildly interesting story: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, suggested Friday the organization might one day be called on to provide countries with a global reserve currency that would serve as an alternative to the U.S. dollar. “That day has not yet come, but I think it is intellectually healthy to explore these… Read more »

CotW: The Democratic Party by Any Other Name Would Not…

I made the mistake of watching too many people talk about the bipartisan health care this week and it put me in a foul mood. So I decided to run this column that I wrote awhile ago, and had initially thought, “Nah, too bitter.” If you don’t like it, blame the parade of talking heads claiming, “It’s a trap,” after… Read more »

Where’s the Outrage Machine?

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[UPDATE/CORRECTION: The comment in question was made by Steve King of Iowa, not Peter King of New York. Apologies to Peter King for the mix-up. Meanwhile, this is not the first time Steve King has said something dumb. … FWIW, Peter King has also been known to make controversial comments, but he did not make this one.] Can you imagine… Read more »

In defense of the stimulus

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My liberal readers will already agree with what I’m about to quote, and my conservative readers will immediately dismiss it because the link goes to, so I don’t know why I bother — but for what it’s worth: Just look at the outside evaluations of the stimulus. Perhaps the best-known economic research firms are IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers… Read more »