Category Archives: News

Lieberman might endorse Lamont

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Again, you can’t make it up: Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman is keeping his options open as he considers possible endorsements for the fall elections — including backing one-time rival Ned Lamont. …Lamont beat Lieberman in a bitter Democratic primary in 2006, but then lost to Lieberman in the general election after Lieberman ran as an independent. Lamont is now considering… Read more »

CotW: Swordfish – Brilliant Predictor of the Future or Merely Awesome?

So when I made the decision to do this, I decided I would sometimes take a break from the news of the day and instead do some pop culture related stuff. Because I love pop culture and, let’s be honest, Brendan only has a passing familiarity with it. Plus, I have a minor in Film and it’s not doing any… Read more »

Jewish prayer prompts terror scare

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Can’t make it up: PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Authorities say a misunderstanding about a Jewish prayer ritual led to the diversion of a US Airways flight to Philadelphia. City police Lt. Frank Vanore says a 17-year-old boy on the plane was using tefillin, a set of small black boxes attached to leather straps and containing biblical passages. One box is strapped… Read more »

Next Wednesday night: SOTU liveblog!

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Just wanted to throw out an early plug for my State of the Union live blog / live chat, for which I’ll be trying out a new service that I’ve just discovered, an alternative to CoverItLive called ScribbleLive. Seems pretty cool, and very customizable. And, unlike during the BCS Title Game, anyone can join the chat — no login required!… Read more »

Red Massachusetts

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Via Daily Kos, a red-blue-purple map of yesterday’s Massachusetts vote: The author notes the map’s similarity to the Obama-Clinton primary map from 2008 (which you can see in the Kos post) and quotes this tweet: “Q: Where are the other potential Dem collapse areas this Nov? A: Almost precisely the places Hillary carried in the 08 prez primary.”

What can Brown do for you?

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Today’s Boston Herald looks a bit like one of those infinite-loop things, where you videotape a TV screen showing… your live video of the TV screen. If only the Scott Brown in the “HE DID IT!” Herald was holding up a copy of the previous day’s Herald. Seriously, someone needs to get a photo of Scott Brown holding up today’s… Read more »

Changing of the guard

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Somewhat poetically, the Hartford Courant homepage features side-by-side photos of, and stories about, Connecticut’s soon-to-be-former senior senator, Chris Dodd, and the man who will almost certainly be sworn in as his replacement — and the state’s new junior senator — in almost exactly one year, Richard Blumenthal: Blumenthal, the state attorney general for approximately the last 164 years, has held… Read more »

We the People: “childish, contemptuous and hysterical”

I haven’t blogged much about the Christmas Day Underpants Bomber incident, nor the “security” debate that it has triggered, but suffice it to say, David Brooks and Glenn Greenwald are right. First, Brooks: [T]he system is bound to fail sometimes. Reality is unpredictable, and no amount of computer technology is going to change that. Bureaucracies are always blind because they… Read more »