Category Archives: News

Worst. Decade. Ever.

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Heh. (Hat tip: InstaPundit.) By the way… here’s a good Volokh post about the whole 2010 vs. 2011 “decade” debate, essentially agreeing with me on the issue. Money quote: [T]he second decade of the twenty-first century, if you want to use the term “second decade,” might begin either in the 2010 or 2011; my sense is that actual usage is… Read more »

Record industry continues to misunderstand their problem

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So, reading the BBC, and the record industry position on illegal file sharing. The long and short of it is, the record industry association is shocked that illegal file sharing isn’t decreasing. Though, given the economy and the expansion of broadband, I think they should probably just be happy it isn’t increasing exponentially. And then to further demonstrate that they… Read more »

Peggy Noonan speaks the truth

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In her column today about President Obama’s speech on Afghanistan, Peggy Noonan makes an important observation — neither pro-war nor anti-war, IMHO, but simply true: Here we should think about and emblazon on the national memory the biggest lesson of the uses of American power circa 2001-09. The minute American troops are committed anywhere in the world, there are, immediately,… Read more »

Obama convenes poultry death panel, spares turkey

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In addition to the funny tweets posted below, here’s another take on today’s official turkey pardoning, from Doug Mataconis: “That must be the biggest Turkey to get a Presidential Pardon since Ford pardoned Nixon.” Heh. Personally, I want to know whether that turkey was even born in this country. I bet he’s a foreigner, and thus constitutionally ineligible to be… Read more »

The GOP’s unserious leaders

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Ross Douthat opines: It’s possible to be a celebrity and a serious politician at the same time: Barack Obama’s career proves as much. But Obama’s celebrity status is frequently a political liability, and he’s (usually) wise enough to know it. That’s why he plays the wonk as often as he plays the global icon. For now, no Republican leader projects… Read more »

A watershed moment

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It’s official: the Angry Right of 2009 is verifiably more insane than the Angry Left of 2001-2005. How do I know? Because of this poll: The poll asked this question: “Do you think that Barack Obama legitimately won the Presidential election last year, or do you think that ACORN stole it for him?” The overall top-line is legitimately won 62%,… Read more »

The only game in town

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TNR‘s Jonathan Chait, writing before last night’s results became known, quotes a bunch of GOP talking points from 2001, downplaying the significance of Dem victories in Virginia and New Jersey (e.g., “it’s laughable to suggest that this has any national implications,” and “anybody that tries to predict what this means for next year is nuts”). Chait then accurately sums up:… Read more »