Category Archives: News

Whither Maine?

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Maine is the devil you know Maine is the heaven below Maine, at the top of the chart Has crushed my evil heart —John Linnell Andrew Sullivan appears to be conceding defeat on the gay marriage amendment in Maine, but Doug Mataconis says it’s still “way too close to call.” With 69 percent of the precincts reporting, the tally is… Read more »

It’s the economy, stupid

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To the extent there’s a broader lesson to be drawn from tonight’s results, Andrew Sullivan nails it, I think: How easily we forget. We get caught up in the health insurance fight, we game the Beck-Palin subculture, we chatter about Israel and Iran, we obsess about marriage equality … while the voters who do not do politics for a living… Read more »

Tweedle Dum, Dee tied in New Jersey

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The Yankees and Phillies were nice enough to take a day off from their little baseball playoff thing today, to allow the good citizens of New Jersey to vote for their governor. So tonight, instead of debating who’s the bigger idiot, Charlie Manuel or Joe Girardi, New Jerseyites will be voting on who’s the bigger idiot, Jon Corzine or Chris… Read more »

The A.D.D. Right

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Nate Silver, in a post asking how Democrats regained the momentum on health care, makes an interesting observation: [T]he tea party/town hall movement that dominated the headlines in August is at this stage somewhat immature, with a lot of sound and fury but not so much focus — sort of where liberals were at in 2002/03 before the failures of… Read more »

Olympics announcement live-stream [UPDATE: Chicago eliminated on first ballot; Matt Drudge dies of happiness]

Via Again, here’s the timetable. Voting starts at 9:10 AM Mountain Time (11:10 Eastern, 15:10 GMT), and the announcement is scheduled for 10:30 AM MDT (12:30 PM EDT, 16:30 GMT). Live coverage from the Chicago Breaking News Center. More from ESPN Chicago. UPDATE: Whoa. That was unexpected. Let the schadenfreude begin! UPDATE 2: That’s more like it, Matt: I… Read more »

Chicago 2016: Is the fix in?

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I didn’t realize that ACORN, the Teamsters, and/or the Chicago Daley Machine had the ability to rig International Olympic Committee elections, but National Review‘s Ramesh Ponnuru apparently thinks they do: Does anyone seriously believe that the president would take a quick trip to Copenhagen with the possibility of coming back empty-handed? If the president is going, it’s because he knows… Read more »

Let’s make a deal

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[NOTE: Because this post is stirring such a vibrant discussion, I’m bumping it up a bit (update: re-bumped!) so it won’t scroll off the page yet. -ed.] I have a modest proposal for Pajamas Media’s Roger L. Simon, who writes that “ACORN is a poster boy for the welfare state in all its manifestations. This is no sideshow. It’s the… Read more »

Holder: “imminent threat” averted in Zazi case; bombs mixed at Aurora hotel

ABC News reports that authorities believe they have successfully disrupted a Denver-based terrorism plot that “is shaping up as the most serious attempt by al Qaeda to strike at the United States since the September 11 attacks”: The accused al Qaeda bomb maker from Denver planned to use chemicals and hair care products he bought at beauty parlor supply stores… Read more »

NYC terror plot “still alive”?

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Sounds like the authorities are pretty damn concerned about the alleged terrorism plot supposedly masterminded by a Denver-area airport shuttle driver: Law enforcement officials say the alleged terror plot against New York City may be “still alive” despite the arrest of its alleged ringleader, 24-year-old Najibullah Zazi of Denver, Colorado. “I have never been so worried,” said one senior law… Read more »