Category Archives: News

Sources say Colorado terrorism suspect may be part of 8-person, multi-city cell

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There are some reports suggesting that authorities may have just scratched the surface of the alleged Denver-based NYC terrorism plot: ABC News reported Sunday that federal investigators are looking at the possibility eight more people may be involved in the ongoing terror investigation centering on Aurora and New York City. Four may have ties to Colorado, the other four to… Read more »

Barack Obama, Jedi Master

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Back in January, gadget blog Gizmodo stumbled across a Japanese-made action figure of newly elected President Obama. The highly detailed figure included, among many accessories, a lightsaber, as seen in this shot: Yesterday, at a White House event supporting Chicago’s bid for the 2016 Olympics, we found out that this action figure was eerily foresighted, as Obama revealed his Jedi… Read more »

I remember

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I remember waking up at 6:50 AM Pacific Time, eight years ago today, to the sound of Becky’s voice talking frantically into my answering machine (my phone’s ringer had been turned off), saying something about how we were under attack by terrorists. I didn’t catch all the details because I was too groggy, having gone to bed around 3:00 AM… Read more »

Our collective failure

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In the course of a FiveThirtyEight blog post on last night’s ObamaCare speech, Tom Schaller reminds us more broadly that the policies which have left our nation in a deep fiscal hole — exacerbating (and complicating the solutions to) other crises, like health care and infrastructure and the Great Recession of 2008-09, while also growing rapidly into a crisis unto… Read more »

Revisionist constitutional history

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“What part of the Constitution says you get to take over health care?” That would have been an excellent question to ask — in 1965. But I haven’t exactly seen a groundswell of conservatives asking it in the 44 years since Medicare became law, calling for the repeal of this obviously unconstitutional program. Nor, certainly, was this question being so… Read more »

Soliciting suggestions for ObamaCare faux-SOTU speech drinking game

My feeble effort to start a Twitter meme with the hashtag #obamacaredrink — asking for people’s suggestions on drinking-game rules for Wednesday’s non-State-of-the-Union address to Congress by President Obama — is looking like a dismal failure (much like Obama’s political strategy for health-care reform!), even though @MelissaTweets graciously took my RT-bait. Sooo, I figure I’ll go about this the, er,… Read more »

Fear! Fire! Foes! Awake!

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In case you didn’t know, Southern California is on fire. (PANIC!!) Here are some nifty time-lapse videos of the blaze (or “RAGING UNSTOPPABLE INFERNO OF DEATH,” as Matt Drudge will be calling it by morning): Station File Time Lapse #4 from Dan Finnerty on Vimeo. Time Lapse Test: Station Fire from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.

Quote of the day

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Andrew Sullivan, praising Ted Kennedy’s record: “There wasn’t a gay rights bill this compulsive heterosexual didn’t champion.” Heh.