Category Archives: News

A serious post about panic. (PANIC!)

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Alan Sullivan: “When [investors] realize the V could really be a W, they will panic again.” He’s talking about a V-shaped or W-shaped recession, of course. On the bright side, at least we’d know which president to blame for a “W”-shaped recession. Heh. (We’d better hope we don’t get an “O”-shaped recession, since that would involve the economy actually going… Read more »

Doublethink 101

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Thought for the day: It just occurred to me that there’s a noticeable theme, cutting across various issues, to a number of the arguments I’ve been reading and hearing lately from many Republicans and conservatives. That theme is cognitive dissonance. For instance: • Obama’s soft-on-terror stances are endangering America by dismantling crucial Bush policies. This proves the Republicans were right… Read more »

Woodstock & Camille

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The Weather Channel’s Dr. Stu Ostro writes: “Did you know that Hurricane Camille made landfall on the same night as the final night of the Woodstock Music & Art Fair?” I sure didn’t. And that night was 40 years ago this week. Ostro even has the New York Times front page to prove it: Heh. Love the story placement. Three… Read more »

Harlem Renaissance

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During my commute today, I listened to last weekend’s episode of This American Life (via the podcast, which I love). Act One, about Geoffrey Canada’s Harlem Children’s Zone, was absolutely fascinating. I highly recommend it. You can download the episode for free, or just subscribe to the podcast (iTunes link).

About those “death panels,” and teapots orbiting Saturn

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Conor Clarke, one of Andrew Sullivan’s guestbloggers during his August hiatus, has written a very funny post about the defense of Sarah Palin’s “death panels” nonsense by “resident National Review goofball Andy McCarthy,” who takes issue with the criticism of Palin leveled by that left-wing wacko nutroots site… National Review. McCarthy writes that “‘death panels’ caught on with the public… Read more »

Three quotes of the day

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“To take a Republican-sponsored healthcare provision that rather innocently and uncontroversially extends insurance coverage to those that want to create their own living wills and turn it into a declaration that the government will decide every five years whether or not you should be euthanized is something out of the Protocols, or out of Saddam’s Iraq, or a mimicry of… Read more »

Sarah Palin, illiterate idiot or outright liar

Well, she’s no longer governor but she is doing her best to stay in the spotlight. Sarah Palin is attacking the Obama health-care plan by using her son Trig. This from the same woman who has attacked others for mentioning or attacking her children (which was reasonable for her to do). So she’s a hypocrite, not surprising, but what is… Read more »

Peggy vs. Sully

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Peggy Noonan has a column out today about how the Democrats’ proposed “invention of a huge new entitlement carrying huge new costs” is “terrifying” voters. She makes some good points about Democrats’ unseemly disdain for actual voters with actual concerns. Still, Andrew Sullivan is not impressed with her take on the underlying issue: Where is there an entitlement? There is… Read more »