Category Archives: News

1982 article: “Study says technology could transform society”

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An old New York Times article predicting, in broad terms, the rise and impact of the Internet, published on the day Becky was born — June 14, 1982 — is making the rounds on Twitter tonight. The article reports on an NSF-affiliated study that, once you get past the silly names (“teletext and videotex”), is remarkably prescient in many ways…. Read more »

In which Connecticut becomes Greece

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“The only problem with this God-damned Unionis its God-damned members.”–a long-ago Connecticut union leader who shall remain nameless Thanks to byzantine voting rules and petulant prison guards, Connecticut’s public sector unions have rejected the contract deal cut between their leaders and Democratic Governor Daniel Malloy, setting the stage for massive layoffs and a possible economic “lost decade” for the already… Read more »

Hell, meet handbasket

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The debt ceiling talks have collapsed. I have little to add, really, to what I’ve already said about this. The political point-scoring brinksmanship on this issue is appalling. The Republicans’ position is logically indefensible, wholly and completely. The Tea Party’s ongoing temper tantrum about the mathematically necessary expedient of raising the debt ceiling — as I’ve said before, this is… Read more »

Hancock elected Denver’s mayor

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Moments ago, almost immediately after the polls closed at 7pm, the Denver Post projected the City Council president, Michael Hancock, as the winner over the former state senator and political scion, the ex-Governor’s son, Chris Romer, in the Denver mayoral runoff. Here’s a pretty picture I took earlier today that has nothing to do with that: UPDATE: Hancock’s “feel-good story”… Read more »

I, for one, welcome our new robotic writing device overlords

Last night, with the Patriot Act’s surveillance and investigative measures due to expire at midnight, and Congress having just passed an extension while President Obama was on a European pub crawl (or, y’know, addressing Parliament, attending the G-8 summit, meeting with Medvedev, strategizing with world leaders about the revolutions in the Middle East… whatever, same difference), President Obama needed to… Read more »

Generic Republican gettin’ feisty!

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This tweet is getting a ton of attention in the conservative twittersphere right now: @BarackObama sorry to interrupt the European pub crawl, but what was your Medicare plan?Thu May 26 21:06:40 via Twitter for BlackBerry®Tim Pawlentytimpawlenty My favorite response: I really wish I was running @BarackObama‘s twitter account. I’d answer @timpawlenty‘s tweet by simply asking: “Who are you again?”Thu May… Read more »


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Paul Ryan says Democratic distortion and demagoguery of his Medicare plan is to blame for a special-election loss in a New York congressional district yesterday, which is being touted as a sign of a building Dem comeback from their 2010 shellacking. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, the Ryan plan is genuinely worth of criticism —… Read more »

Wanted: generic Pawlenty slogans!

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Now that the Generic Republican is officially running, I’m thinking he needs a slogan that truly reflects his exciting identity. Here are some of the ideas I’ve come up with: • Pawlenty 2012: Adequate for America • Pawlenty 2012: Less Frightening Than The Various Alternatives • Pawlenty 2012: We Are The Ones We Have Been Vaguely Waiting For, Sort Of… Read more »