Category Archives: News

Rapture rescheduled for October 21; Apocalypse to cancel USC-ND game

Harold Camping, the nutjob blasphemer fundamentalist evangelical preacher and radio host whose prediction of a May 21 Rapture launched a thousand snarky tweets, isn’t backing down in the face of the…uh…evident lack of a Rapture over the weekend. Instead, he’s doubling down! Camping says the world will still end on October 21, as he’s predicted all along. Originally, he said… Read more »

Quoth the Rapture: Nevermore

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BREAKING: Sources say #Rapture cancelled after an air-traffic controller in Heaven fell asleep on the job.Sun May 22 00:04:00 via EchofonBrendan Loybrendanloy Where were you on the day the world didn’t end? The above picture was taken out my window at precisely 6:00 PM Saturday, when the Rapture was scheduled to hit the Mountain Time Zone, airlifting the Saved to… Read more »

Rapture? I barely even know her!

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If you haven’t heard, the Rapture is coming on Saturday. Reminder: TSA will be conducting random pre-#Rapture “enhanced pat downs” to ensure air travelers’ safety during flights to Heaven tomorrow.Fri May 20 15:04:48 via webBrendan Loybrendanloy Specifically, the Rapture is coming at 6:00 PM local time on Saturday. (Apparently, God respects time zones!) So it’ll start in Kiribati and sweep… Read more »

Quote of the day

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Gloria Borger quotes an unnamed “irritated ally” of Newt Gingrich as saying: “He uses inflammatory language no matter what he is talking about. Why can’t he express a thought in a calm, rational way?” Heh. P.S. And now… Rick Perry for President? Nate Silver thinks he might be the favorite if he were to run.

What Obama should demand: eliminate the debt limit

Yesterday, the federal government hit the debt limit, and the Treasury Department started instituting “extraordinary measures” — which waste taxpayers’ money — to buy a few more months for Congress to dither, grandstand and demagogue, instead of authorizing the issuance of debt that is mathematically necessary in order to spend the money that Congress has already ordered the Treasury Department… Read more »

Tim Pawlenty to win GOP nomination by forfeit?

Hot on the heels of the big Huck-a-no, Donald Trump has announced that he’s not running for president either. Next up on the I’m-not-running announcement circuit: Palin? (Please?) Hopefully Mitch Daniels bucks the trend, and soon. (Run, Mitch, run!) If not, with Romney imploding over his sordid past, and all the other candidates not really very credible in the final… Read more »

Conservatives against Mitch Daniels: Putting style over substance

Amid increasing chatter about a potentially imminent decision by My Man Mitch on whether to run for president, and increasing noise from Daniels himself, Ross Douthat has a good analysis of why “talk radio conservatives” are cool to Daniels. The title of this post is a hint. Excerpt: [Most of the conservative arguments against Daniels] are all about his rhetoric,… Read more »