Category Archives: News

Alba gu bràth!

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I don’t follow Scottish politics, so perhaps Alasdair or my dad or somebody can tell me: is this a fair summary of yesterday’s election results? FREEDOM!!!!! 🙂 P.S. Meanwhile, it’s FPTP FTW, and I believe Nick Clegg is saying to his enemies that they may take his Alternative Vote, but they’ll never take his adorable cats!!!


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Jolly Old England (and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) are set to begin counting the votes in their referendum on whether to switch from the First-Past-The-Post system to the Alternative Vote system. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, here’s a video (produced by AV supporters) explaining how it works for cats:

GOP debate night!

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Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and Tim Pawlenty Generic Republican. 7pm Mountain Time, Fox News. Be there, or be… somewhere else! Doing something else! Like 99.9% of Americans will! Dunno if I’ll actually watch, but you’ve gotta admit, the lineup is pretty compelling. How often do you see a Republican debate lineup that’s 40% libertarian, 20% black,… Read more »

Irony, thy name is PJTV

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This morning, I got an e-mail from PJTV — the online broadcast arm of the conservative blog conglomerate Pajamas Media* — containing the following two paragraphs, one immediately after other: The Conversation: Dead and Gone, but the Spin Lives On: The War of Words in the Wake of Bin Laden’s Death Is there a diffrence between discussing the politcal impact… Read more »

First bin Laden, now the BCS?

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CNN Breaking News: “The Justice Department said in a letter to the NCAA that it has opened an antitrust inquiry into the Bowl Championship Series system.” UPDATE: Andy Staples says the “CNN story makes it seem as if there is more news than letter provides”: Here’s the full text of the DOJ BCS letter to the NCAA. Sounds like DOJ… Read more »

Denver mayoral party-hopping

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Last night, I witnessed the victory speeches of both mayoral candidates who qualified for the June 7 runoff, Chris Romer and Michael Hancock, making me perhaps the only person to do so. (You may recall I did something similar with the senatorial and gubernatorial primaries last August.) Here’s some video of both, mixed with iMovie on my iPhone: Earlier in… Read more »

Election Day in Denver

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Mail-in election? Ha! I spent two hours last night researching the candidates, then dropped off my ballot today — Election Day — at the nearest Voter Service Center. I refuse to go along with this newfangled mail-in, multi-day election nonsense. Elections are held on ONE day, always a Tuesday, as God intended when He invented democracy. Why, in my day,… Read more »

A modest proposal

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A thought just popped into my head. Obama is going to Ground Zero on Thursday. He should invite George W. Bush to join him. I’m serious. Can you imagine what an amazing American moment that would be? A transcendent moment of unity and celebration: the two presidents together, marking their joint victory over terror and evil. What’s the downside? Obama… Read more »

Photo of the year?

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No, Wolf Blitzer, your studio isn’t the Situation Room. This is the Situation Room: Caption: “President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011. Please note: a classified document seen in this… Read more »