Category Archives: Living Room Times

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Tropical Storm Karen has formed in the Gulf of Mexico, and is expected to hit somewhere along the northern Gulf coast this weekend. Hurricane Watches are up from Louisiana to Florida. The computer models are split on Karen’s likely landfall location, as you can see above: those are the Canadian… Read more »

GOP lunacy is mortgaging the party’s future (which might have been me)

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] I have, for a long time, flirted with the idea of switching my major-party affiliation (and have been repeatedly told by conservative friends that, based on my opinions about various issues, I should switch, or even that I inevitably will switch someday). Truth is, I have a significant streak of… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Yay, a debate between an indefensible position and a defensible one! #journalism #balance #CNNfail

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] I’ve been trying really hard not to argue with People Who Are Wrong On The Internet about this shutdown nonsense – that’s part of the reason for my indefinite Twitter hiatus* – but I just need to get this out of my system. (And since I rarely get into arguments… Read more »

Sovereignty, sir. Ours!

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] This morning, upon seeing David Cameron’s huffy tweet in response to Vladimir Putin’s “small island” insult, I was reminded – as I often am, whenever British people get adorably piqued about something – of my favorite line from a terrible 1990s made-for-TV movie: “Sovereignty, sir. Ours!” The line is from… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) tweeted this image earlier today, with a one-word caption: “Unacceptable.” I may not be a Cruz supporter, but hey, when he’s right, he’s right. Unacceptable, and unconstitutional. As I wrote on Facebook last night: I said this under Clinton, I said it under Bush, and I’ll… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Merkley: “Cast it into the fire!! DESTROY IT!!!” Reid: “No.” Merkley: (years later) “It should have ended that day. But the Filibuster was allowed to endure.”

A tweet-nado to remember

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Last Thursday, the SyFy network aired an absurd, low-budget, deliberately campy made-for-TV movie called “Sharknado.” It was a ratings bust, but a Twitter blockbuster, starting on Wednesday when the final trailer hit the Interwebs, causing a frenzy of anticipation, commentary and snark – a “snark-nado,” if you will. As Thursday… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] They were once judges. Great sages of justice. Then Congress the Deceiver gave to them a Secret Court of Power. Blinded by their patriotism, they joined it without question, one by one falling into darkness. Now they are slaves to the Executive Branch’s will. They are the FISA-gûl, Judge-wraiths, neither… Read more »

New conservatweeps: I come in peace!

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] I’m in Salt Lake City this 4th of July weekend, attending FreedomWorks’s “Free the People” event (a.k.a. #FTP2013) and the closely associated Glenn Beck event, #maninthemoon, as well as the speaker series put on by #M1Charity. My family and I drove in from Denver on Wednesday, and we will be… Read more »