Category Archives: Living Room Times

Next Wednesday night: SOTU liveblog!

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Just wanted to throw out an early plug for my State of the Union live blog / live chat, for which I’ll be trying out a new service that I’ve just discovered, an alternative to CoverItLive called ScribbleLive. Seems pretty cool, and very customizable. And, unlike during the BCS Title Game, anyone can join the chat — no login required!… Read more »

Red Massachusetts

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Via Daily Kos, a red-blue-purple map of yesterday’s Massachusetts vote: The author notes the map’s similarity to the Obama-Clinton primary map from 2008 (which you can see in the Kos post) and quotes this tweet: “Q: Where are the other potential Dem collapse areas this Nov? A: Almost precisely the places Hillary carried in the 08 prez primary.”

Mental health break

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Check out this awesome time lapse of University of Phoenix Stadium being made ready for the Cardinals-Packers game on January 3, then being transformed overnight into the site of the Fiesta Bowl on January 4: There was also some sort of band event the day before the Cardinals game, if you’re wondering what’s going on around the 0:10 mark. (Hat… Read more »

What can Brown do for you?

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Today’s Boston Herald looks a bit like one of those infinite-loop things, where you videotape a TV screen showing… your live video of the TV screen. If only the Scott Brown in the “HE DID IT!” Herald was holding up a copy of the previous day’s Herald. Seriously, someone needs to get a photo of Scott Brown holding up today’s… Read more »

2010 Jay Leno, meet 2004 Jay Leno

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This clip does a better job of absolutely burying Jay Leno than even Jimmy Kimmel could — and it’s all from Jay’s own mouth, six years ago. You gotta watch the whole thing. The last 35 seconds are the best part. “I don’t want to see anybody ever have to go through that again.” Oh really? Maybe someone should send… Read more »