Category Archives: Living Room Times

CotW: The Fine Art of Sending Others to Hell

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Wishing damnation of others is tricky business. After all, what’s the criteria? Is it enough to retire, come back in a different, but fairly similar role, underperform, and then, seemingly, get your old job back from someone who worked really hard to get it? (Topical!) Or perhaps you must play in a gigantic stadium in America’s South/Southwest for an organization… Read more »

So… Avatar was good.

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Did I miss anything while I was out at the movies? Heh. Actually, I was in the loop, thanks to a barrage of text messages from friends near and far. It started while I was waiting in line for popcorn, with a trio of text messages at 6:34 PM from a Notre Dame classmate and a Denver co-worker, all telling… Read more »

Lane Kiffin returns to ‘SC

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Tennessee head coach and former USC assistant Lane Kiffin is going to be the next head coach at the University of Southern California after only one season at the helm of the Volunteers. His father, Monte Kiffin, will be joining him as the Defensive Coordinator. Also returning with him is Ed Orgeron. Norm Chow is rumored to be a possibility… Read more »

R.I.P., The Pete Carroll Era, 2001-2009

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[Bumped to top of page — again! — and new content added; see below. -ed.] When something bad happens to Michigan football, MGoBlog posts photos of kittens. For Pete Carroll’s resignation from USC and impending introduction confirmed hiring as coach of the Seahawks, I think another type of animal would be more appropriate: Photo attribution: / CC BY-NC 2.0… Read more »

Carroll to Seahawks: not a done deal?

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As Andrew Sullivan would say, Know Hope: The Seahawks still do not have an agreement [with Pete Carroll] despite widespread reports, but are closing in on a coaching contract, according to a league official with direct knowledge of Seattle’s coaching search. The official told The Associated Press Saturday the team is in “discussions” with Carroll and does not plan on… Read more »

1/8/10: a date which will live in infamy?

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It sounds like the annual postseason ritual of Pete-Carroll-to-the-NFL rumors is more than just rumors this year. The L.A. Times is reporting that he’s gone, or damn close to gone: “the Seahawks and Carroll are close to a deal, which is believed to be a five-year contract to become president and head coach at $7 million a year.” The Daily… Read more »

Complaint of the Week: So This is the New Year and I Don’t Feel Any Better

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Complaint of the Week: So This is the New Year and I Don’t Feel Any Better   It should be noted that I will not hesitate to steal song lyrics from anyone (ANYONE), even Death Cab for Cutie, if it suits my whims. I. Will. Not. Hesitate.   Moving on…   So, 2010 started a mere eight days ago and… Read more »

Complaint of the Week: Now Joining the Already Cluttered Blogging Landscape: Tim Stevens?

Hello and welcome. My name is Tim Stevens and I’ll be your host through this and (hopefully) many other editions of Complaint of the Week. This is what I call my intro column. No real content, just me subtly begging you to keep reading me. Tomorrow (or possibly later today)…that’s when the real content arrives. But please, please, please don’t… Read more »