Category Archives: Living Room Times

Schrödinger’s Fiesta Bowl “live” blog

The moment of truth has arrived: I’m about to start watching the Fiesta Bowl, roughly 25 hours after kickoff. I was too busy to watch the game last night, so I TiVoed it, and then ever since the game started yesterday, I’ve assiduously avoided Twitter, Facebook, blog comments, e-mail (for the most part), and any news or sports or other… Read more »

David K. leads Pick ’em, 24 still alive

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With four bowl games left in the college football season — the Fiesta Bowl tonight, the Orange Bowl tomorrow night, the GMAC Bowl Wednesday night, and the “National Championship Game” Thursday night — 24 contestants are still mathematically alive to win the 5th annual Living Room Times Bowl Pick ’em Contest. Details after the jump. Also, an aside: I am… Read more »

I Palindrome I

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In a shocking oversight, I neglected to blog anything — or tweet anything, or even post something on Facebook — about “Palindrome Day” on Saturday (01/02/2010). I have failed as a nerd! Luckily, I’ll have a chance to make up for it in a little less than 22 months, on 11/02/2011. (Or I suppose I could move to Europe, and… Read more »

We the People: “childish, contemptuous and hysterical”

I haven’t blogged much about the Christmas Day Underpants Bomber incident, nor the “security” debate that it has triggered, but suffice it to say, David Brooks and Glenn Greenwald are right. First, Brooks: [T]he system is bound to fail sometimes. Reality is unpredictable, and no amount of computer technology is going to change that. Bureaucracies are always blind because they… Read more »

Broncos on the brink of oblivion

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I’m talking, of course, about the Denver Broncos, not the Boise State Broncos. I don’t follow the NFL very closely — I’m much more of a college football fan — but living in Denver, the saga of the Broncos this season has been impossible to miss. After the offseason Cutler/McDaniels kerfuffle, the team wasn’t expected to do much with a… Read more »

Happy New Year!

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And Happy New Decade! Welcome to the 2010s! Above: The ingredients of the traditional Brendan-and-Becky midnight milk toast (actually enjoyed at 10:00 PM local time this year, as the ball dropped in NYC). In the background, our Christmas tree & lights throughout our house, and CNN’s horrible New Year’s Eve coverage on our television. P.S. Just a reminder: it’s twenty-ten,… Read more »

The ghost of New Years Past

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As you’ve probably guessed by now, I am not going to finish my Defining Days of the Decade list this decade — well, unless you’re in the “decade starts in 2011” camp (which I’m not). The write-ups have taken me longer than I anticipated, and I’m certainly not going to spend my free time on my eldest daughter’s second birthday… Read more »