Category Archives: Living Room Times

Redrawing the Red Line

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] “In the not-too-distant past, your conference was where you lived, but with all the illogical itinerancy that’s certainly not true anymore.” –Kyle Whelliston With those words in the Season 9 Epilogue – combined with his previously-stated, now-confirmed decision that “we’re doing away with the Red Line after this season, because… Read more »

Twitter Hiatus Pool: Predict my #DOOM!

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] My frequently-declared, rarely-adhered-to Twitter “hiatuses” have become, understandably, an object of mockery among my friends on Twitter. I have a long history of spending more time declaring “hiatuses” than actually sticking with them. #SelfControlPANIC! #TwitterAddictDOOM! 🙂 Definitionally, a “hiatus” is when I change my Twitter password to something unknown to… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] My latte at @pabloscoffee last night. I’m testing @Livefyre on my @tumblr, so comments are appreciated!

Field narrows in NCAA, NIT pools

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The field of contenders mathematically alive to win has narrowed to 4, 5 and 3, respectively, in the Living Room Times men’s NCAA, women’s NCAA, and NIT pools. In the men’s pool, we’re down to a “Final Four” of Kevin Pilz, Jimmy Smith, Joe Wright and Mike Boyd. If Syracuse wins the title, Pilz, a Newington, Connecticut resident whose brother… Read more »

Pool leaders: Morisset & Caplin, Anglemyer, Vivier & Binder

With both the men’s and women’s NCAA Tournaments both heading to the Sweet 16, and the NIT down to a “Spectacular 7” with three more quarterfinals tonight to determine the Final Four, let’s review where things stand with my 18th annual NCAA & NIT Pools. In the men’s pool, Jon Caplin, a sports statistician in Chicago and Becky’s cousin, led… Read more »

A mixed result for marriage equality at the High Court?

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] So, based on the questioning at oral argument, @SCOTUSblog believes the Supreme Court will likely punt on California’s Prop 8, because Justice Kennedy “thinks it is too soon to rule on #ssm.” This would mean the 9th Circuit decision striking down Prop 8 would remain in place [UPDATE: see clarification… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] All hail the Shockers of Wichita State, the Super-Cool Exploradoras of La Salle, and of course, the new capital of Hoops Nation, #DunkCity. Eagle know what’s up, yo. Go, Crazy Go Nuts University! Beat Florida!

Jon Caplin leads men’s & women’s pools

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Jon Caplin, a sports statistician from Chicago (and Becky’s cousin), leads both the Living Room Times Men’s NCAA and Women’s NCAA pools after Saturday’s games. Caplin had a near-perfect first day in the women’s pool, going 15-for-16, missing only #12 Kansas’s upset of #5 Colorado. Meanwhile, he surged to the top of the leaderboard in the men’s pool, buoyed by… Read more »

3-way tie in Men’s Pool after Round of 64

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In a first round (no, it’s not the second round) that saw wins by two #9 seeds, a #10 seed, an #11 seed, three #12 seeds, a #13 seed, a #14 seed and a #15 seed, none of the 286 contestants — an all-time record for Living Room Times pool participation — in the 18th annual LRT pool did better… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Fight fiercely, Harvard! Fight, fight, fight! Demonstrate to them our skill. Albeit they possess the might, Nonetheless we have the will. How we shall celebrate our victory? We shall invite the whole team up for tea! How jolly! Hurl that spheroid down the [court] And fight! Fight! Fight! Fight fiercely,… Read more »