Category Archives: Living Room Times

The imperfect day

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Most Trojan fans consider a “perfect day” to be a day when USC wins, and Notre Dame and UCLA both lose. As an “Irish Trojan,” I have a different definition: a Brendan Loy Perfect Day is a day when USC and ND both win, and UCLA loses. That’s happened a bunch of times since I enrolled at Notre Dame. What… Read more »

Mid-major madness: Pioneers-Panthers

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College basketball got underway with its usual whimper on Monday, but Friday is the day things really get started, what with 125 games involving Division I teams happening all around the country. And I’ll be going to one of them — a pretty decent mid-major showdown, right here in Denver. Northern Iowa, defending champion of the Missouri Valley Conference, is… Read more »

Happy Birthday, Sesame Street!

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If I were to rank the TV shows I spend the most time watching, Sesame Street — or, as Loyette calls it, “Fi-Fi!!!” — would probably be second only to “assorted live sporting events” (if that even counts as a show). Such is the life of a parent of an almost-two-year-old. 🙂 As a result, I tend to get random… Read more »

Protestant sheep painted by papists!

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Bwahahaha: Six pregnant sheep belonging to a Protestant farmer from County Tyrone have been daubed with Irish tricolours in an apparent sectarian attack. The sheep had been left to graze in an isolated field near Ardboe when their coats were covered in green and orange paint to resemble a tricolour. According to the farmer, who does not want to be… Read more »

The only game in town

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TNR‘s Jonathan Chait, writing before last night’s results became known, quotes a bunch of GOP talking points from 2001, downplaying the significance of Dem victories in Virginia and New Jersey (e.g., “it’s laughable to suggest that this has any national implications,” and “anybody that tries to predict what this means for next year is nuts”). Chait then accurately sums up:… Read more »