Category Archives: Living Room Times

Will USC-ND be a battle of ranked teams?

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From the “blatantly and unwisely looking ahead” files… after tomorrow’s games against Cal and Washington, respectively, USC and Notre Dame both have bye weeks before their October 17 clash in South Bend. This got me thinking: if the Trojans and Irish both win tomorrow, could ND earn a spot in the Top 25 in time to turn their rivalry game… Read more »

Olympics announcement live-stream [UPDATE: Chicago eliminated on first ballot; Matt Drudge dies of happiness]

Via Again, here’s the timetable. Voting starts at 9:10 AM Mountain Time (11:10 Eastern, 15:10 GMT), and the announcement is scheduled for 10:30 AM MDT (12:30 PM EDT, 16:30 GMT). Live coverage from the Chicago Breaking News Center. More from ESPN Chicago. UPDATE: Whoa. That was unexpected. Let the schadenfreude begin! UPDATE 2: That’s more like it, Matt: I… Read more »

Worst. Analogy. Ever.

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Vail resident Sally Rebehn, master of the apt analogy, describes her experience discovering a bear in her bedroom: “I turned around and it was so odd, your brain takes a while to register. No way I thought there would be bear in the bedroom. It’s kind of like when you think you’re about to drink a glass of water and… Read more »

Did Purdue’s untimely timeout save Notre Dame’s season, Charlie Weis’s job?

In the immediate aftermath of Notre Dame’s dramatic win over Purdue on Saturday, I tweeted, “And Purdue saves Charlie Weis’s job by calling a terrible timeout that probably cost them the game. Irish win!” Stewart Mandel expands on this thought: If Notre Dame, now 3-1, winds up reaching the BCS promised land, affording Charlie Weis many more years of his… Read more »

Trojan RB Johnson injured in weight room

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USC running back Stafon Johnson was injured today in a weight room accident while bench pressing when the bar slipped from his hands and landed on his throat. According to the trainer, a spotter was on hand at the time. Johnson was taken to the hospital and into emergency surgery. No word yet on the extent of the injury or… Read more »

Chicago 2016: Is the fix in?

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I didn’t realize that ACORN, the Teamsters, and/or the Chicago Daley Machine had the ability to rig International Olympic Committee elections, but National Review‘s Ramesh Ponnuru apparently thinks they do: Does anyone seriously believe that the president would take a quick trip to Copenhagen with the possibility of coming back empty-handed? If the president is going, it’s because he knows… Read more »

Dear Oregon,

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Don’t ever change. I don’t mean that in the sappy, high-school-yearbooky sort of way. I mean, literally, don’t change. As in your uniforms. As in, for the love of God, keep wearing the throwbacks! Seriously. Please keep wearing the throwback uniforms. I’m not saying they’re the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. But they at least look, y’know, not completely… Read more »

The importance of being Oregon

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There are some big college football games tomorrow — Miami at Virginia Tech, Iowa at Penn State, ASU at Georgia — but the most significant, in terms of national implications, might be Cal at Oregon. Not because it will determine whether ESPN GameDay goes to Strawberry Canyon for USC at Cal next week (though it quite probably* will). Not because… Read more »