Category Archives: Living Room Times

ISS, Shuttle to be further apart tonight, but brighter over Denver

Last night, as you can see in my video below, the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle Discovery were very close together in the night sky, having just undocked a few hours earlier. During their pass over Denver, the ISS was trailing 13 seconds “behind” the Shuttle, meaning it would take 13 seconds for the ISS to reach a… Read more »

Spaceships over my backyard

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Here’s my video of the Space Shuttle Discovery and the International Space Station flying over the Rocky Mountains Tuesday night, as seen from my backyard in Denver, accelerated to 5x speed with no sound: Below is the same video at normal speed, with sound. You can hear us — meaning me, Becky, Kristy and Myk — talking about seeing the… Read more »

BYU #9 in AP poll, #12 in coaches poll, ahead of Oklahoma in both

To my mild surprise, both the AP sportswriters and the USA Today coaches’ poll voters have, in a rare display of good judgment, moved BYU, formerly #20 and #24 in their respective polls, ahead of Oklahoma, formerly #3 in both, as a result of the Cougars’ victory over the Sooners on Saturday. Here’s the AP poll, which isn’t part of… Read more »

In the sky tonight: two spaceships

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The Space Shuttle Discovery is set to depart from the International Space Station this afternoon, with undocking scheduled for 3:26 PM EDT and final separation at 5:09 PM EDT. Then the fun begins. All across the contiguous 48 states, assuming the sky is clear (or at least clear enough to see Venus — thin, wispy clouds are OK), there will… Read more »

Rocky Mountain holiday

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For Labor Day, I went with Becky & the girls up into the Rocky Mountains. We stopped initially at Lair o’ the Bear Park, where Loyette had a grand old time running around, getting dirty in the mud, and getting soaked in the stream. Then we headed down Route 103 to Echo Lake (where we stopped for a picnic lunch)… Read more »

The Onion imitates the LRT

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This article in The Onion sounds hilariously like something lifted out of my old Living Room Times newspaper, circa eighth grade (1994-95). Here’s a taste of the Onion story: In an event that everyone at James Madison Junior High is calling really freaking gross, some kid’s head got cracked open Wednesday during third-period gym class. … Although the extent of… Read more »

CFB Week 1 Live Blog / Live Chat

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YAY!!! It’s football season!!! The party officially starts at 3:30 PM EDT (when USC and ND kick off), but y’all are welcome to start using the Live Chat window (below right) whenever. As for the Live Blog (below left), I expect the frequency of my updates will vary wildly, as I’ll sometimes be holding a baby or chasing a toddler… Read more »