Category Archives: Living Room Times

Then and now

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Once upon a time, say five years ago, my ritual on the night before any given Saturday of college football season (at least one with an ND home game) would have been something like this: Go out with friends to Corby’s, have a bunch of drinks, talk football and law nerdery and miscellaneous nonsense, then head to The Backer, have… Read more »

Revisionist constitutional history

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“What part of the Constitution says you get to take over health care?” That would have been an excellent question to ask — in 1965. But I haven’t exactly seen a groundswell of conservatives asking it in the 44 years since Medicare became law, calling for the repeal of this obviously unconstitutional program. Nor, certainly, was this question being so… Read more »

Pick ’em contest & Liveblog bleg

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First of all, one final (?) reminder. To join the 1st annual Living Room Times College Football Pick ‘em Contest, click here, then enter Group ID number 16830 and password irishtrojan. Deadline is 11:55 AM EDT tomorrow (Saturday). Secondly, is there anyone who’s going to a game tomorrow — particularly the USC or Notre Dame games — and who would… Read more »

Football Live Chat underway

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I’m hosting an informal, opening-night-of-football Live Chat (mostly for testing purposes) here. Come on by! Go Boise State!

Let’s Go Rockies!

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Looks like my Coors Field winning streak may be coming to an end… but Iannetta hit a solo home run immediately after I took this picture. Still, it’s Mets 6, Rockies 1 with 2 outs in the bottom of the 7th. Correction: 6-2! Back to back HRs! Stewart. Woo!

Fearless predictions

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With the season getting underway in less than seven hours, I’d better publish these now… • Notre Dame will go 9-3. They’ll barely survive a scare from Nevada, then lose one out of the Big Ten trio (Michigan/MSU/Purdue), then beat Washington to come into the USC game at 4-1. There will be much talk of waking up the echoes. It… Read more »

Again with the reminders, oy

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1. Tonight, starting at 10pm EDT (8pm MDT), come to my informal Boise State-Oregon Live Chat, and help me test a variety of chat-platform options (and a couple of live-scoreboard widgets). Heck, you can check ’em out now if you like, but I figure “testing” will be easier if we have at least a handful of people together at the… Read more »

Soliciting suggestions for ObamaCare faux-SOTU speech drinking game

My feeble effort to start a Twitter meme with the hashtag #obamacaredrink — asking for people’s suggestions on drinking-game rules for Wednesday’s non-State-of-the-Union address to Congress by President Obama — is looking like a dismal failure (much like Obama’s political strategy for health-care reform!), even though @MelissaTweets graciously took my RT-bait. Sooo, I figure I’ll go about this the, er,… Read more »

Don’t forget…

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…to enter the first annual Living Room Times College Football Pick ’em Contest! The deadline is 11:55 AM EDT on Saturday, but you can already make your picks now. Just click here, then enter Group ID number 16830 and password irishtrojan. (As I mentioned yesterday, contestants are encouraged, in choosing their “Pick Set Name,” to use a name or handle… Read more »

CT legislators caught playing solitaire, reading ESPN during budget debate

In a scene reminiscent of every law school class ever, three members of the Connecticut State House of Representatives were caught on camera goofing around on their computers during the height of the legislature’s big budget debate yesterday. In the Associated Press photo, two representatives — Barbara L. Lambert (D-Milford) and John F. Hennessy (D-Bridgeport) — are seen playing solitaire… Read more »