Category Archives: Living Room Times

Rays and bolts

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Here’s a photo I took yesterday of crepuscular rays over Denver, shortly before sunrise: And, later in the day, a pair of video screen-grabs (a split second apart) of a single lightning bolt striking two spots south of downtown: It has been an exceptionally stormy summer so far in Denver, for which I blame El Niño, global warming, Canada, and… Read more »

Why do conservatives hate government but blindly trust the police?

I was delighted yesterday to see Glenn Reynolds linking to libertarian writer Radley Balko’s Reason article about the Cambridge kerfuffle (a.k.a. Gates-gate). Balko shifts the focus away from race, which is really a sideshow in this particular case, to where it rightfully belongs: police abuse of power. And, while acknowledging that Gates seems to have acted boorishly, Balko criticizes Crowley… Read more »

Rickey & Nolan

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Rickey Henderson’s induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame got me thinking — as any mention of Rickey Henderson always does — of May 1, 1991, when Henderson’s record-breaking 939th stolen base was completely and utterly overshadowed a few hours later by Nolan Ryan’s incredible seventh career no-hitter. I distinctly remember feeling, I suppose somewhat uncharitably, that Henderson deserved to… Read more »

One last time

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So long, Governor Palin. Your supporters will miss you — as will your detractors. For instance, I’ll miss having the opportunity to randomly post this graphic: But alas! I understand: you don’t want the “title” of governor to interfere with the important work of using dishonest, propagandistic nonsense to inflame the ignorant masses. That would be “politics as usual”! After… Read more »


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President Obama will be excited about this one: White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle pitched a perfect game this afternoon, with a major assist from this amazing catch by outfielder Dewayne Wise in the ninth inning. Here’s the final out:

An anthem for the birthers

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Jon Stewart eviscerates the suddenly-prominent birther movement: Has Colbert done a segment on these clowns yet? It seems right up his alley. Meanwhile, as I was writing this post’s title, and contemplating whether “birthers” should be capitalized or not, I was reminded of the term “Birchers” — as in, the John Birch Society — which, of course, reminded me of… Read more »

My former state rep is a birther

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When Becky and I lived in Knoxville, we resided in the heavily Republican 18th legislative district of Tennessee, a.k.a. “the fightin’ 18th,” which is represented by the ultraconservative — and endlessly controversial — Stacey Campfield (who is a man). Campfield is many things: a blogger (albeit a somewhat notoriously sloppy one, in terms of spelling and grammar); a classic car… Read more »

There goes the Sun

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Via Flickr, here’s a shot of Wednesday’s total solar eclipse as seen from Bayohara, India: ( / CC BY 2.0) More photos can be found at And here’s a video of the Moon’s shadow sweeping across Asia, as seen via satellite. UPDATE: Still more photos via the Boston Globe‘s always excellent The Big Picture photoblog.

Best. Press Release. Ever.

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Last week, Fox News published a story (now scrubbed from their site, but available here) titled “Upcoming Military Robot Could Feed on Dead Bodies.” CNET News asked whether we’ve reached the “dawn of the corpse-eating robots,” while Fast Company mocked Fox for its “gleeful conjecture.” Now, the manufacturer of the EVIL FLESH-EATING ROBOTS OF DEATH has responded with a press… Read more »