Category Archives: Living Room Times

“Thank God for…Brendan Loy”

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Dude… it’s I apologize to my LRT readers for having so little coverage of Hurricane Irene here, while I was blogging up a storm (pun intended) over at my Pajamas Media site, Weather Nerd. Ideally, I would have done more partial cross-posting — understandably, PJM doesn’t let me do full cross-posts, since they pay me for exclusive content, but… Read more »


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Sorry to keep posting these computer model maps, but they’re just so sensational, I can’t help myself. From the 0Z GFS: Over on Weather Nerd, I write: Holy hell. That map is downright terrifying. (It’s even worse when viewed as an animation. Hat tip: Ryan Maue.) It represents something pretty darn close to the true worst-case scenario, the New York… Read more »

Steve Jobs steps down

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Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of the company he founded 35 years ago, and saved from the brink of collapse when he returned in 1997 with Apple’s aquisition of NeXT. No specific reason was given for the resignation, but Jobs had been on a partial medical leave for a while now. He has has bouts of pancreatic cancer and… Read more »

The trend is no longer your friend

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The computer models forecasting Hurricane Irene’s track have shifted back west today, decisively ending the eastward “trend” of the forecasts, and bringing New Jersey, New York City, Long Island, and Southern New England very much back into the bullseye of the risk zone. This also increases the risk of a direct hit (rather than a glancing blow) in North Carolina,… Read more »

The trend is your friend

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The 0Z GFS computer model shifts Irene’s landfall point to the east, again — from NYC/Long Island to Cape Cod. The rightward trend continues. This hurricane may yet stay out to sea, folks. By the way, I’m blogging at Pajamas Media’s “Weather Nerd” again, at least for the moment.

Earthquake strikes East Coast!

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As if Hurricane Irene’s menacing approach wasn’t enough, an earthquake of preliminary magnitude 5.9 struck northeastern Virginia about 20 minutes ago, and — as is typical for earthquakes in the eastern two-thirds of the country — was felt far & wide, from Toronto to the Deep South. I haven’t heard any damage reports yet. (I just learned about this via… Read more »

I’m still alive, I swear…

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…I’ve just had no time to blog for the last week-and-a-half. My evening free time is largely taken up holding a baby, and, well, it’s hard to type while you’re doing that. But hey, at least nothing newsworthy/blogworthy has happened during that time, like, oh I don’t know: • Michelle Bachmann wins the Iowa Straw Poll; • Generic Republican drops… Read more »

“Showmanship, not leadership”

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Of all the things I tweeted during last night’s Republican presidential debate in Iowa, none was more surprising — including to myself — than this one: “SANTORUM FTW.” And I wasn’t being sarcastic. Rick Santorum, the archconservative also-ran from Pennsylvania, with whom I disagree about most everything — especially gay rights — thrilled me enough to bust out that unironic… Read more »