Category Archives: Living Room Times

Denver mayoral party-hopping

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Last night, I witnessed the victory speeches of both mayoral candidates who qualified for the June 7 runoff, Chris Romer and Michael Hancock, making me perhaps the only person to do so. (You may recall I did something similar with the senatorial and gubernatorial primaries last August.) Here’s some video of both, mixed with iMovie on my iPhone: Earlier in… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] I’m sorry, but the notion that Obama would fake Bin Laden’s death for political advantage … 18 months before the election … is uncommonly stupid, even as stupid conspiracy theories go. All other objections to the theory aside, the simple and obviously reality is that, if he was going to… Read more »

Transparency run amok?

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] I don’t understand why the Obama Administration is correcting the record about the details of the Osama raid. I guess this will make me sound cynical, but the notion of Osama hiding behind a woman was incredibly effective propaganda – who cares whether it’s true? Was anyone going to be… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Mail-in election? Ha! I spent two hours last night researching the candidates, then dropped off my ballot today – Election Day. I refuse to go along with this newfangled mail-in, multi-day election claptrap. Elections are held on one day, Tuesday, like God intended. Why, in my day, sonny, we walked… Read more »

Larry Scott hits home run with Pac-12 media deal

Good news everyone! The Pac-12 media rights deal is done, and the conference looks to have hit the jackpot! Expected to be officially announced soon, the deal will reportedly bring in over $225 million annually for the next 12 years, for a total of approximately… THREE BILLION DOLLARS!!! That’s a major upgrade from the current deal, worth only $45 million… Read more »

Election Day in Denver

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Mail-in election? Ha! I spent two hours last night researching the candidates, then dropped off my ballot today — Election Day — at the nearest Voter Service Center. I refuse to go along with this newfangled mail-in, multi-day election nonsense. Elections are held on ONE day, always a Tuesday, as God intended when He invented democracy. Why, in my day,… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Obama going to Ground Zero Thursday. Can he invite Bush? That’d be really great. Unity!

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] History.

A modest proposal

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A thought just popped into my head. Obama is going to Ground Zero on Thursday. He should invite George W. Bush to join him. I’m serious. Can you imagine what an amazing American moment that would be? A transcendent moment of unity and celebration: the two presidents together, marking their joint victory over terror and evil. What’s the downside? Obama… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] We’re still here. You’re not. Go figure. Richard Brookhiser, New Yorker