Category Archives: Living Room Times

Debt limit, here we come

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#PANIC!!: Federal borrowing is on pace to hit the legal limit on the national debt in less than a week. … As of the close of business Tuesday…the U.S. Treasury [had] the authority to borrow only an additional $25.635 billion before it hits the statutory debt limit. … [D]uring the first 821 days of Obama’s presidency the debt increased by… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] The parking garage at the old Stapleton Airport is now almost completely demolished. (Here’s what it looked like just 11 days ago.)

Parents, don’t dress your girls like tramps

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Parents, don’t dress your girls like tramps “No successful retailer would consider introducing an item like a padded bikini top for kindergartners if they didn’t think people would buy it. If they didn’t think parents would buy it, which raises the question: What in the hell is wrong with us?… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Trump is Al Sharpton of the Republican Party – provocateur and clown, unserious. Charles Krauthammer

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] We are sitting on the mother of all bubbles. Many, probably most, Americans anticipate a stream of consumption that will be provided for them into old age by the government (i.e., other taxpayers). Unfortunately, most American taxpayers do not anticipate the kind of enormous increase in taxes that would be… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] tumblr_ljwrmfLG501qzswa9o1

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Lorem ipsum dolor sit blah blah. Fire Mike Brey.

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Gentlemen! You can’t fight in here! This is the War Room! President Merkin Muffley