Category Archives: Living Room Times

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] The chickens come home to roost (literally).

The Madness of Changing March

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I don’t know if you heard, but the UConn men recently won a little something we call March Madness. Or the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship if you have no interest in fun. While the title game itself has been generally regarded as a bust—I choose to characterize it as a master class on defense—it is generally agreed that this year… Read more »

We are John Galt, my precious

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I’ve never read Atlas Shrugged, so I don’t have a dog in the fight that this quote may create — I just think it’s funny: There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes,… Read more »

In the great green room…

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Due to my Twitter hiatus, I can’t retweet this tweet by @pourmecoffee — so I’ll blog it and blockquote it instead: Goodnight moon. Goodnight Boehner, goodnight Reid. Goodnight Bachmann, goodnight Trump’s hair, goodnight morons everywhere. LOL!!! By the way, you can consider this an open thread on the impending government shutdown if you want. I don’t really have anything much… Read more »

The VCU “riot”

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Brilliant video of the VCU “riot” after the Butler loss. (Warning: profanity!) Doesn’t look like much of a riot, really — more like idiotic, and somewhat dangerous, but mostly non-destructive, drunken revelry — but maybe that’s the soundtrack talking. Anyway, great video, courtesy of Mondial Creative Labs on Vimeo.


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King County, Washington, meet Waukesha County, Wisconsin: In one explosive stroke Thursday, the clerk in a Republican stronghold tilted the tight Supreme Court race in favor of Justice David Prosser by recovering thousands of untallied votes for the incumbent. Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said Thursday that she failed to save on her computer and then report 14,315 votes in… Read more »

I want iTunes for live sports radio

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Why isn’t there an iTunes-like service where I can go online with my iPhone, find the local radio broadcast for basically any sporting event, and pay $0.99 per game to listen to it? Maybe not for sports like Major League Baseball that already have fairly advanced systems for listening/watching online, but for other sports? Like college basketball and football, say?… Read more »