Category Archives: Living Room Times

Romney, Huckabee, Palin, Pawlenty, Barbour, Daniels… and 13 others

Two years to the day before America either inaugurates a new president or re-inaugurates the current one (or, you know, fails to inaugurate anybody due to the declaration of martial law amid the post-apocalyptic nightmare following the End of the World in 2012), Larry Sabato offers some political junkie porn in the form of 19 — count ’em, 19 —… Read more »

This blog post is brought to you by the number 3 and the letters OMG

For those without the time or patience to listen to today’s podcast episode to learn our “news,” I suppose I’ll come out and say it: Becky and I are expecting Baby Loy #3 in July!!! Specifically, on July 8 — the very same date that Loyacita was due back in 2009 (though she was born five days late). We don’t… Read more »

The Living Room Times Podcast, Ep. 6: We’re Baaaack!

A lot has happened since the last Living Room Times Podcast. Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives, and picked up a bunch of Senate seats. Notre Dame beat USC for the first time since I became an “Irish Trojan.” Boise State lost at Nevada, just as I predicted before the season. TCU won the Rose Bowl. Auburn won… Read more »

JOEMENTUM HALTED: Lieberman reportedly will not seek re-election

Joe Lieberman will announce Wednesday whether he intends to seek re-election as Connecticut’s senior U.S. Senator in 2012, and reports say he has decided not to run. [UPDATE: It’s official.] As long-time readers know, this blog and its predecessors have a long and complicated history with Senator Joementum. I am, of course, a Nutmegger by birth, and thus have followed… Read more »

“The moral leader of our nation”

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As regular readers know, it’s my own personal annual tradition to take 17 minutes every Martin Luther King Day and listen to the “I Have a Dream” speech in its entirety. I never know which part(s) will give me goosebumps, but I always get them at some point. I haven’t listened yet this year — will probably do so via… Read more »

Bart Scott is somewhat angry & excited

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And the Jets linebacker would like to tell you about it: Like MJD, “I just hope he doesn’t stay up tonight, calling Sal Palantonio’s home phone at all hours of the night, just screaming into the receiver about disrespect. It seems like he wants to.” P.S. The New York and Boston tabloids didn’t disappoint in their coverage of the game:… Read more »

Record home crowd watches Denver improve to 5-0 in Sun Belt, .500 overall

Last month, desperate for any spark amid a dismal 2-8 start, Denver coach Joe Scott tried to light a fire under sophomore forward Chase Hallam by referring to the Pioneers as “Chase’s team.” On Saturday, in front of the largest home crowd to watch a DU game during Scott’s four-year tenure, Hallam had an chance to dramatically seal Denver’s seventh… Read more »

Hey, the WAC may actually survive!

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Denver’s planned future home, the WAC, may not be a zombie conference after all. On Thursday, the NCAA’s Legislative Council approved and adopted “Proposal 2010-100,” abolishing the “continuity clause” that required conferences to have at least six schools that have been together in the conference for at least five years. The WAC was scheduled to lose that status in 2012… Read more »