Category Archives: Living Room Times

DU student leaders put on “Spirit Night” for Colorado State game

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The vice president of DU’s Student Spirit Committee, Joey Leon, e-mailed me tonight and asked if I’d be willing to post their flyer about tomorrow’s game on my blog. Although it’s finals week at DU, they’re trying to encourage students to come to the home opener against Colorado State by putting on a “Spirit Night” that apparently features various prizes… Read more »

Is Denver too excited about joining the WAC?

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Last Thursday, the University of Denver threw a press conference, and a party broke out. DU’s announcement that 10 of its 17 teams, including its basketball programs, were joining the Western Athletic Conference in 2012-13, was a lot more than just some suits standing at a podium, taking questions. I was on the fence about whether to attend until basketball… Read more »

A Red Line Upset etiquette question

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As fellow readers of The Mid-Majority know, a “Red Line Upset” happens whenever a team whose conference sits below the “Red Line” beats a team whose conference sits above it. “RLUs,” as the cool kids call them, are a central focus of TMM and its readers during November and December — there’s a Twitter account singularly devoted to tracking them,… Read more »

A Brief History of BALLZ

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Alternative title: “In Which I Rename My BALLZ.” About that stuffed basketball pictured above, and in the new Pioneer Post Pulse masthead image… a bit of backstory is needed, for readers who aren’t familiar with Kyle Whelliston (primer here) and the official mascot of his Mid-Majority blog, Bally B. Basketball. Bally, you see, has been Kyle’s faithful companion on the… Read more »

New masthead?

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I mentioned in my introductory post that The Pioneer Post’s masthead was most likely temporary. Well, I now have several different possibilities, and I haven’t decided yet which one to use. Thoughts, anyone? Here are my options; click to blow up to full size: By the way, about that second one down… yes, that’s DU BALLZ sitting on press row… Read more »

CotW: Timely Election Debrief

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Our long state nightmare is finally over. And by nightmare, I mean about 6 days’ worth of post-election confusion about who was going to be our governor: that one white guy from southern Connecticut who promised to slash the budget, tax us fairly, and do it without causing any discomfort, or that one white guy from southern Connecticut who promised… Read more »

Pioneers go “back to the drawing board” after 0-3 start in Oregon tourney

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Appearing on his weekly radio show Monday night, Denver head coach Joe Scott took responsibility for veering off track in his team’s preparation for the BTI Invitational in Eugene, which saw the Pioneers’ promising season get off to a disastrous 0-3 start with losses to UC-Santa Barbara, Oregon and North Dakota State on consecutive nights. “Our preparation for these three… Read more »

Remember, Mommy, I’m off to get a commie…

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Inspired by Daniel Radcliffe’s shout-out to Tom Lehrer, I posted video of “We Will All Go Together When We Go” earlier. But actually, that’s only my second-favorite Lehrer ditty about nuclear war. Here’s #1 — “So Long Mom”:

Daniel Radcliffe is a Tom Lehrer fan

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Ha! I love it! Perhaps in the climactic scene of Deathly Hallows Part II, he’ll take some liberties with the script, and sing “We Will All Go Together When We Go” to Voldemort. (Hat tip: Jezebel, via @SaraLang.)