Category Archives: Living Room Times

The Living Room Times Podcast, Ep. 4: There Is Always Hope

Is there a solution to the Higher Education Bubble? Do journalism graduates going into a dying industry have any chance of paying off six figures’ worth of student loan debt? Is there any escaping the Liberal Thought Police that ensnared Juan Williams, or the Conservative Outrage Machine that wants to defund NPR? Will the Democrats do better than expected in… Read more »

“Princess Sarah”

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In the course of introducing a Politico story reporting that GOP insiders say Sarah Palin isn’t making any friends on the midterm-election campaign trail with her erratic and unprofessional behavior, Jonathan Chait gives a rather hilarious summation of his take, prior to digesting this new piece of information, on a potential Palin presidential run: I’ve been assuming for a while… Read more »

CotW: What Are We Doing To Superman?

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So, as I may have mentioned once or twice, I am a bit of a comic book nerd. And, like many of my ilk, I have a special spot in my heart for Superman, even though I would never place him in my top ten favorite characters. I just love the idea of him; he’s someone who uses his power… Read more »

Bennet & Bubba

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Here’s the tail end of Michael Bennet’s speech last night in Denver, and the beginning of Bill Clinton’s: Although it perhaps defies convention, the Dems were very smart to have Bennet — the actual candidate — go before Clinton. If Bubba had spoken first, his lengthy stemwinder of a speech would have been an impossible act for the not terribly… Read more »

The Living Room Times Podcast, Ep. 3: Tom Tancredo and the British Empire!

A day late, but hopefully not a dollar short, here is Becky’s and my latest LRT podcast episode. Our main topic is the Colorado governor’s race and the extremism of Tom “Impeach Obama and Bomb Mecca” Tancredo, although our discussion includes some haphazard transitions back and forth between that gubernatorial race and… British fiscal policy! (Hence the title.) Also covered:… Read more »

Larry Scott to reveal Pac-12 secrets Thursday!

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And you can find out which schools’ fans will riot, which schools fans will rejoice, and whether Brendan’s dream of biennial USC games in Colorado will come true, live on (they gonna change that domain name too?) at 12:30 PM Mountain Time.