Category Archives: Living Room Times

The Living Room Times Podcast, Episode 1

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Becky and I recorded our inaugural Living Room Times Podcast episode this evening. At 51 minutes and 38 seconds, it’s roughly double the length we’d aimed for, but oh well. Perhaps we’ll get better at brevity as we learn the medium. Anyway, without further ado: The topics discussed include our neurotic foster dog, Becky’s delicious homegrown tomatillos, my new Mac… Read more »

The SEC: more of a mild skirmish?

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Two weeks ago, Ivan Maisel informed us that, “though it annoys to no end the rest of college football to hear it, the SEC is different. … There are plenty of…statistics and ratings by which to calibrate the primacy of the SEC. ‘In this league, there are legitimately 10 teams, maybe more, that can be Top 25 teams,’ [Tennessee linebacker… Read more »

Quote of the day

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Pollster: “There’s not a lot of point in breaking down feelings toward Blagojevich along demographic lines because pretty much everyone in the state hates him about the same.” Heh. He’s got 8% favorable ratings, 83% unfavorable, which is apparently the worst rating for a politician that Public Policy Polling has ever seen. And you know those 8% are either family… Read more »

CotW: Social Network: ADVANCED REVIEW

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Mere moments into Social Network it become abundantly clear that this is a script from Aaron Sorkin (A Few Good Men, The West Wing, Malice). As Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) and his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend Erica Albright (Rooney Mara) discuss/spar on the topic of Harvard’s final clubs—think the missing link between fraternities’ and secret societies like Skull and Bones—the dialogue snaps… Read more »

Cal cuts baseball program; #sportsbubble #PANIC!

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I’m hesitant to uncritically read too much into Cal cutting its baseball program — also lacrosse and gymnastics — partly because I haven’t read very much about it, but also because I suspect that it may have less to do with broad #sportsbubble trends than with conditions unique to the Great Recession and the ridiculous, wolf-face crazy budgetary clusterf**k that… Read more »

Big East eyeing TCU?

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Well here’s an expansion idea I never would have imagined. The Big East, who are considering options to shore up their conference after the last wave of expansion, is apparently looking at TCU as a potential conference member according to this New York Post story. The schools has been successful both academically and athletically, but geographically its a bit of… Read more »

CotW: Summer Reading, Had Me a Blast Part 1

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Well, summer is done and fall is here, so it’s time to take a look back at how I kept myself busy this summer. I’ve been advised by my attorneys (of which I have legions) that I cannot discuss any matters pertaining to investigations in progress, so that leaves…books. Other stuff, too, but for the sake of this piece, let’s… Read more »

The GOP’s fraudulent “Pledge”

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Clive Crook on the Republicans’ “Pledge to America”: On taxes, it promises to “stop all job-killing tax hikes” — that is, to retain all of the Bush tax cuts — but says nothing about the comprehensive tax reform that will be needed to raise new revenues and balance the budget without avoidable damage to growth. The Pledge maintains the pretence… Read more »

On America, Obama, outrage, and absorbency

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Taking a step back from the Outrage Machine & Beltway Noise Generator, Slate‘s John Dickerson commits journalism and confirms what everyone with a functional brain, a modicum of common sense, and a resistance to right-wing partisan blinders instantly, instinctively knew upon reading Obama’s faux-outrage-of-the-day quote about America’s ability to “absorb” a terrorist attack: I asked an administration official familiar with… Read more »