Category Archives: Living Room Times

Reminder: Planets & Perseids tonight!

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The next 24 hours are going to be a real treat for sky-watchers. First, this evening, the Moon and three planets — Venus, Mars and Saturn — will line up for a quadruple conjunction in the western sky. NASA writes: The show begins at sundown when Venus, Saturn, Mars and the crescent Moon pop out of the western twilight in… Read more »

Gazing into the crystal football to predict the future

Over at, Stewart Mandel and Andy Staples have joined forces to make 10 bold (and not so bold) predictions on the directions college football will take over the next decade. The whole thing is a great read, but here are some of the highlights: First, looking back, Mandel and Staples note that, at the beginning of the last decade,… Read more »

Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran?

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Jeffrey Goldberg, writing the cover story of next month’s Atlantic, newly online today, gives us something new — well, not new, but something newly revived — to #PANIC!!!! about: Israel attacking Iran in the near future. Outlining the scenario that he envisions potentially unfolding, Goldberg writes: When the Israelis begin to bomb the uranium-enrichment facility at Natanz, the formerly secret… Read more »

Bennet and Maes

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As I tweeted earlier, I suspect that I may be the only person who attended both the Bennet for Senate victory party and the Maes for Governor victory party in Denver tonight. There certainly can’t be much crossover between the two candidates, in terms of supporters… and reporters would have been assigned to one or the other. As for me,… Read more »

Election Night live-tweet & videocast!

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As I watch election results from Colorado and Connecticut, and go election-results-party-hopping here in Denver, I’ll be live-tweeting and live-iPhone-video-casting in the windows below. (Tweets from various other folks will also auto-post to the CoverItLive window.) 2010 Primary Election To post a tweet that will appear automatically as a “comment” in the above CoverItLive feed, type in your Twitter username… Read more »

Noonan: We are all pessimists now

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File away Peggy Noonan’s latest column, “America Is at Risk of Boiling Over,” into the Grand Unified Theory of PANIC!!!! file. Money quote: The biggest political change in my lifetime is that Americans no longer assume that their children will have it better than they did. This is a huge break with the past, with assumptions and traditions that shaped… Read more »

CotW: Acts of Madmen

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This Tuesday, less than three-quarters of a mile from my front door, employees of Hartford Distributors, Inc., their friends and family, emergency vehicles and personnel, and members of the press gathered at Manchester High School, on the lawn and parking lot, and across the street, because some three miles away from my front door, a man had opened fire on… Read more »