Category Archives: Living Room Times

Zipp(er)ing along?

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Jon Wilner of the San Jose Mercury News has a new blog post with updates on the Pac-10/Pac-12 realignment and other conference issues. Particularly interesting are the following: The “zipper” plan is gaining traction thanks to a number of factors, including: – The Northwest schools’ reluctance to give up games in the L.A. area – The California schools’ desire to… Read more »

In lieu of flowers, vote Republican

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Hahahaha: Charlotte McCourt…who died July 8 [at age 84] after a long illness…was a homemaker, proud mother and grand mother and wife of 67 years to Patrick McCourt. And she was at one time a loyal supporter of Harry Reid. Her obituary, printed in Tuesday’s Review-Journal, reads in part, “We believe that Mom would say she was mortified to have… Read more »

USC-to-UConn transfer: “This is a business”

Money quotes from former USC reserve fullback D.J. Shoemate, who just transferred to UConn, on his decision: Why did you transfer from USC and how hard was that decision? I saw a better opportunity for myself to play running back. I’m very confident in my abilities. I just really wanted to follow my dream. It was the hardest decision of… Read more »

NCAA shortens all March Madness pools’ entry period by 2 days

Not officially, of course. As far as the NCAA is concerned, NCAA Tournament pools do not exist. But effectively, they’ve just thrown a huge monkey wrench into the mid-March plans of every pool administrator, myself included: The final four at-large teams and final four automatic qualifiers in the newly minted 68-team NCAA men’s basketball tournament field will meet for the… Read more »

RenFests have layers

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We went to the Colorado Renaissance Festival today. ‘Twas fun. Over on Facebook, I expressed something I’ve long thought about RenFests, updating my status to say: “Brendan thinks Renaissance Festivals, like donkeys ogres and onions, have layers. Layer #1: amusements to entertain little children and kids at heart. Layer #2: scantily clad nerds hoping to get laid. Not necessarily in… Read more »