Category Archives: Living Room Times

CotW: Leaving Connecticut College (Again)

Seven years ago I graduated from Connecticut College. Approximately 10 months ago, I returned to Conn as a Practicum Trainee in the Student Counseling Services office. For 20 hours a week, I sat with clients from the student population and, hopefully, helped them out in some small measure. Tonight, I just completed my last full shift in that role. For… Read more »

I still think Dick Blumenthal will surivive

Will my snap prediction that “Richard Blumenthal will survive misstatement-gate, and will be sworn in as Connecticut’s junior senator on January 3, 2011” go down in the pantheon of Great Brendan Loy Political Prognostications, alongisde Rudy Giuliani will win the 2008 GOP nomination and Hillary Clinton “will not win a single primary”? Twenty-four hours later, survey says… “The latest Rasmussen… Read more »

“Ha ha! I can see his arse!”

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Dear Lord, I love British people: We live in serious times. … [And] this seriousness is being compounded by an intensifying national determination to behave terribly seriously about it. … This aversion to levity certainly infused the [U.K.] election campaign. But there was a funny bit and most of us missed it. When Gordon Brown got in his car and… Read more »

Alan Sullivan “sliding to the end”?

If I met Alan Sullivan, a.k.a. “Seablogger,” on the street — or at a Tea Party or a Sarah Palin rally, perhaps — I’d dismiss him as a right-wing nutjob. And perhaps I’d be right to do so: he does believe some things that I find profoundly wacky, indefensible even. As I wrote in a never-published draft from September 2009,… Read more »

Fun at Fenway

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In case anyone’s wondering why the blog has gone even deader than usual, it’s because we’re back east, visiting my folks. We had a great time in Boston today — Becky, the girls, my parents and me — including at Fenway Park for the Red Sox-Blue Jays game. We had been worried about rain, but in the end, we got… Read more »

Million, billion, what’s the difference?

[I’ve bumped this post up, because it got quickly drowned on the homepage yesterday by U.K. election coverage. -ed.] Thursday afternoon’s stock-market PANIC!!!!! may have been caused, in large part, by a trader typing “b” (for billion) instead of “m” (for million). Charles Fenwick suggests a Budweiser commercial based on this event: Real Men of Genius Here’s to you, Mr…. Read more »

Times Square evacuated (again)

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Auto-tweets are turned off right now, but CNN just sent out a Breaking News Alert staying simply: “New York’s Times Square evacuated.” What now??? UPDATE: “Times Square has been evacuated because of a suspicious package. Watch live:” “Suspicious packages” usually turn out to be nothing, but we’ll see. P.S. LOL: “You have to wonder about the folks who are… Read more »