Category Archives: Living Room Times

Culture of Losing

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[Bumped. -ed.] For those of you who were unaware, the Stanley Cup Playoffs continue, even with Buffalo’s ouster. My team, the Pittsburgh Penguins, is about to play the 8 seed Montreal Canadiens, who just pulled off an upset of monumental proportions over the top seed Washington Capitals and their star studded lineup. The Caps had a 3-1 lead earlier in… Read more »

Heads asplode as Notre Dame releases lame promotional video

From the official Notre Dame YouTube channel: My initial reaction was “meh,” but I watched it on my new iPod Touch, which makes everything seem more cool / less lame, and I had the volume low. The Domersphere as a whole, meanwhile, is dying of embarrassment. Here is Her Loyal Sons’ take. See also the comments here. ND Nation threads… Read more »

My Defining Days of the Decade: #4

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It’s been almost four full months since my series on Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade — of the previous decade, that is — came to a screeching halt. We’re now almost a third of a year into the 2010s, which means 3.2% of this decade is already over! And yet I’ve still got four “Defining Days” posts to go…. Read more »

Sometimes, the shot goes in

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If you sort of squint at this clip of an Adriatic League basketball game’s dramatic finish, you can almost pretend the Croatians (in white) are Duke, the Serbians (in black) are Butler… and Gordon Hayward’s shot goes in. The uniforms are even the right colors! (Kinda.) You may want to turn down the volume, though, as Croatia/”Duke” is, distractingly for… Read more »

New NCAA president: college football playoff is “inevitable”

The NCAA’s new president, the University of Washington’s Mark Emmert, said eighteen months ago that he thinks a college football playoff is… This according to a Seattle Times column by Bud Withers: Here’s a wild guess. When Emmert hangs ’em up as NCAA president — in five years, in a decade — we might remember him as the guy who… Read more »

UW President to head NCAA

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The University of Washington’s Mark Emmert is Indiana-bound, replacing Myles Brand as the NCAA’s president. You think maybe NOW we’ll get some changes to that excessive celebration rule that was used against Jake Locker in the BYU game in 2008?

Fire Mike Brey? (For real?)

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In case you missed my tweet earlier, it seems there are some rather salacious rumors floating around South Bend about Notre Dame men’s basketball coach — and legendary on-again, off-again Whipping Boy / Silly Meme Generator — Mike Brey. While this is still mostly in the realm of rumor and “undernews” for now, it appears there is some possibility… Read more »

CotW: Guns, Guns Everywhere

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So, I was going to shirk my duty this week and not write a Complaint at all. I’ve been writing papers like mad and frankly the thought of spending more time at my keyboard made me a bit sick to my stomach. But then, I spotted this article on my Sidebar feed and read it and it got me thinking…. Read more »

Go &*$% yourselves, extremist Islamist morons

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Back in April 2006, when controversy erupted over a South Park episode featuring an image of Mohammed (kinda sorta), the old Irish Trojan’s Blog was all over it (and got a bunch of Instalanches and Malkin-lanches, as I recall). Now, almost exactly four years later, history is repeating itself, but alas, I haven’t had the time to follow it closely,… Read more »

One year ago today…

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…Becky and I closed on our house. Five days later, we moved in: We love our house, and have every intention of staying in it for, well, pretty much forever, or at least until the girls are all grown up. We specifically decided to buy a place that wasn’t a “starter home,” but a house that we can see ourselves… Read more »