Category Archives: Living Room Times

Holy s***!! Feds sue Goldman Sachs for fraud over Magnetar-like shenanigans; stock market PANICS!!!; heads asplode; Matt Taibbi faints; world ends

The SEC: it’s a WAR!! Against Goldman Sachs!! Fear!! Fire!! Foes!! Awake!! PANIC!!!!! In an absolutely stunning development, Wall Street titan Goldman Sachs, whose influence is so pervasive that it’s been accused of being virtually a branch of the federal government unto itself, has been sued by the federal government — specifically the Securities and Exchange Commission — for alleged… Read more »

Betting against the American Dream

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NPR’s Planet Money and This American Life, in collaboration with ProPublica, have once again produced a brilliant piece of journalism about the financial crisis, this time focusing on the machinations of an evil-genius Wall Street hedge fund that made a killing by deliberately inflating the housing bubble while simultaneously betting that it would pop, thereby helping wreak incalculable havoc on… Read more »

Usain Bolt, Mutant

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Kyle Whelliston’s post-basketball-season Twitter stream pointed me to this fascinating Esquire profile of sprinter Usain Bolt, the title of which I’ve stolen in my headline above: “Biography of Usain Bolt, Mutant.” Kyle highlights one of the article’s two money quotes: “Mathematically, Bolt belonged not in the 2008 Olympics but the 2040 Olympics.” The other is this: There’s a perception in… Read more »

Just how close was Gordon Hayward…

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…to lifting Butler to the national championship, over mighty Duke, in Indianapolis, on a halfcourt buzzer-beater, in the greatest moment in NCAA Tournament history, bar none — never to be surpassed if they keep playing the tourney for 500 years — and one of the greatest moments in American sports history? Really, really close. (Hat tip: Danny Pilz.) … [Bumped…. Read more »

Who will be UConn’s 10th and 11th opponents next year?

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I’ve blogged before about the UConn women’s march toward the UCLA men’s record 88-game winning streak. Now that the foregone conclusion of the 2010 NCAA UConn Huskies Invitational Championship is in the record books, it’s time to re-ask the question that I posed in early February: The Huskies could tie UCLA’s record in their tenth game of 2010-11, and break… Read more »