Category Archives: Space, Science & Tech

More iPhone launch day photos

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I still owe y’all some more detailed observations/thoughts on my new iPhone, which I’ll try to post at some point soon. In the mean time, here are some more of my photos of iPhone 4 launch day yesterday. They include, of course, shots from my early-morning pilgrimage to the AT&T Store, but also from my two subsequent visits to the… Read more »

The end of an era: retiring the belt pack?

Becky made an excellent point yesterday. When I get my new iPhone 4 next week*, it’ll be the first time I’ve ever owned a cell phone with a decent camera. (My 2006 vintage Sprint flip phone takes grainy 640x480s — a marked improvement over my previous, 2003 vintage Sprint flip phone, which took 384x256s.) And, by all accounts, the iPhone’s… Read more »

iPhone rumor/speculation whiplash alert

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Cult of Mac, 4:17 AM: “Reality Check: The iPhone’s Not Going to T-Mobile or Verizon Anytime Soon” Cult of Mac, 6:42 AM: “Report: Apple to Ship CDMA iPhone in Fourth Quarter” At this point, I’m rooting for the first story to be true, because if #2 is correct, I’m going to feel like a complete sucker for buying an AT&T-saddled… Read more »