Category Archives: Sports

Holy mackerel!

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As Andy Glockner points out, today’s awesome game-winner (at the 0:55 mark of the clip) by Maryland to beat Georgia Tech… …is strikingly reminiscent (albeit under less dramatic circumstances, obviously) of a certain Georgia Tech shot to beat USC in the Big Dance, 18 years ago this March:

From Pac-10 to… Pac-16?

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With all the talk about potential Pac-10 expansion, Buster Sports’ Nick Daschel has an intriguing proposal: Pac-16. He proposes not simply adding 2 teams, but a whopping 6, and when you think about it, it’s a pretty great idea. He advocates wooing Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Colorado and Baylor out of the Big 12, and Utah out of the… Read more »

The tape-delay Olympics

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The blogosphere and twittersphere are buzzing about this Seattle Times column criticizing NBC’s endlessly tape-delayed Olympics coverage, and its complete tone-deafness about the issue. (See also this lengthy Deadspin post, featuring one angry viewer complaint after another.) I gotta say, I find that, in this instant-information age, the Olympics are rapidly being fundamentally transformed from something I watch on TV… Read more »

USC 68, UCLA 64

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Break out the brooms, baby! In the words of one tweeter, “The football monopoly in LA ain’t over, and the basketball monopoly is alive and well too! Fight On!” Hahaha. If only I’d made a bet with Tran this year! (And if only there was some potential for a postseason payoff for the Trojans!)

Huge showdown with Weber State looms for Northern Colorado

Notre Dame and Gonzaga both have big games tonight — at Seton Hall at 5pm MDT, a crucial game for the Irish’s bubble hopes, and vs. St. Mary’s at 9pm MDT for the WCC lead, respectively — and of course, USC hosts UCLA on Sunday, hoping to reprise the 21-point beatdown the Trojans laid on the Bruins at Pauley last… Read more »

Super Bowl XLIV Live Chat

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I’m billing this as a “live chat” rather than a “live blog,” since I don’t know how much I’ll be participating in it, what with girls being awake for much of the game. But, at the very least, my occasional tweets will appear automatically in the chat window below.

How to do NCAA expansion right: the 66-team At-Large Death Match Round

Continuing on with the discussion in my prior tweets and links and longer blog posts about the possibility of NCAA Tournament expansion, I want to expand on something I proposed in comments the other day. If the NCAA is absolutely dead set on expansion, there’s a right way to do it, and a wrong way. The wrong way is to… Read more »

Dissent of the Day, NCAA hoops edition

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In response to my prior tweets and blog posts condemning the potential expansion of the NCAA Tournament to 96 teams as “unspeakably dumb, absolutely ridiculous, totally insane, utterly indefensible, wolf-face crazy,” and so forth — and lamenting the possible end to the mystique of the quixotic 16-versus-1 game — Andrew last night e-mailed the following response. I don’t agree with… Read more »

2010: the last chance for a #16 seed to truly shock the world?

One of the greatest annual subplots of the NCAA Tournament in its 64-team (and 65-team) format, IMHO, is the question of whether a #16 seed will finally do the unthinkable and knock off a #1 seed. It’s never, EVER happened, and it rarely even threatens to happen, for the simple reason that #16 seeds — the champions, often the unexpected… Read more »

NCAA confirms its interest in destroying the greatest sporting event ever created

Moments ago, Sports by Brooks posted this update to its earlier report that expansion of the NCAA Tournament from 65 to 96 teams — an unspeakably dumb, absolutely ridiculous, totally insane, utterly indefensible, wolf-face crazy idea — is a “done deal.” The new report, which links to a Fox Sports story, involves weasel-word contradictions of the “done deal” notion that,… Read more »