Category Archives: Sports

TCU vs. Boise in the Fiesta Bowl?

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Stewart Mandel writes: In another, 11th-hour BCS development, sources tell me the Fiesta Bowl committee took an unexpected turn in its deliberations this week and is now leaning heavily toward a matchup of the two undefeated mid-majors, TCU and Boise State. That would leave the Orange Bowl free to select Iowa or Penn State and send Cincinnati to the Sugar… Read more »

Zags’ cup half-full or half-empty?

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I didn’t get to watch last night’s Gonzaga-Wazzu game — I had a lengthy choir practice — which is a bummer, because Andy Katz calls it “one of the best games” of a “classic night of hoops.” The Zags won, 74-69, rallying from a 13-point second-half deficit to improve their record to 6-1 and defend their #17 AP / #16… Read more »

Boise should root for Oregon State tomorrow

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Tomorrow night, Oregon hosts Oregon State in the annual “Civil War,” which is also the de facto Pac-10 championship game this year. The stakes could hardly be higher. The winner goes to the Rose Bowl to face Ohio State. The loser, if it’s Oregon, goes to the Holiday Bowl to face (probably) Nebraska, or, if it’s Oregon State, probably tumbles… Read more »

It’s OK to fire bad coaches

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On Facebook yesterday, one of my law-school classmates made an observation about Charlie Weis’s then-imminent departure that I suspect will be heard in certain corners the sports media this week, as Weis’s firing is used to advance the evergreen storyline of Notre Dame’s fall from grace. (The only story the sports media likes better than “Notre Dame’s fall from grace”… Read more »

Too many good teams, not enough playoff spots

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SI’s Stewart Mandel says the problem with this college football season isn’t that there are “no dominant teams,” as many people have said. It’s that there are “too many dominant teams. Six of them, in fact.” The delineation couldn’t be clearer in this week’s BCS standings, which feature six undefeated teams (Florida, Alabama, Texas, TCU, Cincinnati and Boise State) …… Read more »

Fun with Facebook

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Tee hee hee: Yep: I won another bet with Mike Tran, my “Irish Bruin” buddy from law school. If UCLA had won, I would’ve had to post a picture of myself in UCLA gear as my Facebook profile for a week. Instead, Mike has the distinct privilege and high honor of sporting cardinal & gold for three days. (I gave… Read more »

Notre Dame coaching decision pool

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Okay, time for a little blog prediction contest… QUESTION: Who will be the head coach of Notre Dame’s football team next season? TIEBREAKER #1: On what date will Notre Dame announce its decision with respect to Charlie Weis? TIEBREAKER #2: On what date will Notre Dame announce Weis’s replacement (if applicable)? TIEBREAKER #3: What will be the margin of victory/defeat… Read more »

All hail the mighty Pac-10

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On the USC football team’s official blog, Ben Malcolmson goes there: Stanford’s loss to California on Saturday further muddied the Pac-10 race and also caused several people to scratch their heads in confusion. What is going on in this conference? USC beats California by 27 points, Stanford beats USC by 34 points and then Cal goes out and beats Stanford… Read more »