Category Archives: Sports

I’m still alive, I swear…

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…I’ve just had no time to blog for the last week-and-a-half. My evening free time is largely taken up holding a baby, and, well, it’s hard to type while you’re doing that. But hey, at least nothing newsworthy/blogworthy has happened during that time, like, oh I don’t know: • Michelle Bachmann wins the Iowa Straw Poll; • Generic Republican drops… Read more »

Rick Perry: Texas A&M to secede?

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We interrupt the Everything Seemingly Is Spinning Out of Control Watch — STOCKS CRASHING! ECONOMY CRATERING! DEBT SOARING! OBAMA FLAILING! ENGLAND BURNING! BACHMANN’S EYES BULGING! — to bring you something else to #PANIC about… in the world of college sports! With bonus Rick Perry secessionist action! (No, not that kind of secession.) The Texas A&M Aggies, a.k.a. the Brett Favre… Read more »

Pac-12 plan B?

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Last week, dissatisfaction with a plan to air high school games on the Longhorn Network led to reports that Texas A&M and Oklahoma were pondering moves to the SEC. That talk has died down for the moment. But if such moves ever do happen, they would certainly doom the Big 12, and likely lead to further shifts. The Pac-12 would… Read more »

Mental health break, Phanatic edition

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To take the edge off my latest rant against GOP debt-ceiling fanaticism — really, this issue gets me angry like nothing in politics since the emergence of Sarah Palin — here’s a post about a different kind of fanatic: video of the Phillie Phanatic getting hit by a foul ball. Ha! (Hat tip: Jim Kelly. Apologies to Marty West. Well,… Read more »

The SEC: it’s a THREAT!!!

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Thought all the conference change drama had finally hit the back burner for awhile? Think again! According to Sporting News, Texas A&M and Oklahoma are so pissed off at the prospect of Texas’s Longhorn Network airing live high school games of potential recruits, they are threatening to jumping ship to the SEC, a move that would all but sink the… Read more »

Best Pac-10 Teams

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With less than 12 hours to go before the dawn of the Pac-12, ESPN Pac-10/Pac-12 blogger Ted Miller’s latest post ranks the best teams of the Pac-10 era. Who’s number one? I’ll give you a hint: Woof woof woof.


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All-time March Madness hero Lorenzo Charles, of “They won it! On the dunk!” fame, has died in a bus accident at age 47. Charles’s signature basket was memorialized, among countless other places, in the third verse of my Battle Hymn of the Underdog: Glory, glory, Cinderella! Glory, glory, Cinderella! Glory, glory, Cinderella! The Madness marches on! I have read the… Read more »

Corrupt, incompetent, absurd NCAA inexplicably lets UNC off the hook

Let’s review. USC’s football program allegedly allowed agents, proto-agents and/or runners to run rampant (I’ll ignore for the moment that this was not actually proven), and failed to monitor the activities of one “high-profile athlete” (two athletes counting O.J. Mayo, who played basketball, not football), or rather said athlete’s family. An assistant coach supposedly knew about the athlete’s family’s activities… Read more »

USC appeal denied; Nikias says decision undermines fair process, leaves “little, if any, room to discipline more egregious violations”

So say rumors on the Internets. UPDATE: Here’s the story. Multiple media folks are confirming it. So, no postseason (again) for USC in 2011-12. Any seniors who wish to transfer can (again) do so and play immediately elsewhere. Only shot at a national title is (again) the AP-only version. And the inaugural Pac-12 South will have just five teams competing… Read more »