Category Archives: TV, Movies & Entertainment

CotW: Swordfish – Brilliant Predictor of the Future or Merely Awesome?

So when I made the decision to do this, I decided I would sometimes take a break from the news of the day and instead do some pop culture related stuff. Because I love pop culture and, let’s be honest, Brendan only has a passing familiarity with it. Plus, I have a minor in Film and it’s not doing any… Read more »

2010 Jay Leno, meet 2004 Jay Leno

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This clip does a better job of absolutely burying Jay Leno than even Jimmy Kimmel could — and it’s all from Jay’s own mouth, six years ago. You gotta watch the whole thing. The last 35 seconds are the best part. “I don’t want to see anybody ever have to go through that again.” Oh really? Maybe someone should send… Read more »

I Palindrome I

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In a shocking oversight, I neglected to blog anything — or tweet anything, or even post something on Facebook — about “Palindrome Day” on Saturday (01/02/2010). I have failed as a nerd! Luckily, I’ll have a chance to make up for it in a little less than 22 months, on 11/02/2011. (Or I suppose I could move to Europe, and… Read more »

Record industry continues to misunderstand their problem

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So, reading the BBC, and the record industry position on illegal file sharing. The long and short of it is, the record industry association is shocked that illegal file sharing isn’t decreasing. Though, given the economy and the expansion of broadband, I think they should probably just be happy it isn’t increasing exponentially. And then to further demonstrate that they… Read more »

End of an era: Liam Clancy, 1935-2009

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This afternoon, as I was driving home from work, I was listening to NPR’s “All Things Considered,” as per usual. They’d just finished up a story about Afghanistan or some such thing, when, out of the blue, host Melissa Block stated, as the lead-in to a new story: “Bob Dylan once called Liam Clancy ‘the best ballad singer I’ve ever… Read more »

Happy Birthday, Sesame Street!

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If I were to rank the TV shows I spend the most time watching, Sesame Street — or, as Loyette calls it, “Fi-Fi!!!” — would probably be second only to “assorted live sporting events” (if that even counts as a show). Such is the life of a parent of an almost-two-year-old. 🙂 As a result, I tend to get random… Read more »

Protestant sheep painted by papists!

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Bwahahaha: Six pregnant sheep belonging to a Protestant farmer from County Tyrone have been daubed with Irish tricolours in an apparent sectarian attack. The sheep had been left to graze in an isolated field near Ardboe when their coats were covered in green and orange paint to resemble a tricolour. According to the farmer, who does not want to be… Read more »