Category Archives: Utter Miscellany

CNN relocates Hawaii; hilarity ensues

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Orly Taitz will surely be calling CNN’s Rick Sanchez soon, to learn more about this South American island nation of “Hawaii”: (Hat tip: Wonkette.) As they say on Twitter, #cnnfail.

Nuance, thy name is NOT Matt Drudge

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So, this is a mildly interesting story: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, suggested Friday the organization might one day be called on to provide countries with a global reserve currency that would serve as an alternative to the U.S. dollar. “That day has not yet come, but I think it is intellectually healthy to explore these… Read more »

Conan O’Brien, now available in 140-character form

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Conan O’Brien joined Twitter on Wednesday, and has racked up 379,609 followers over the course of three days. His biographical information states: “I had a show. Then I had a different show. Now I have a Twitter account.” Thus far, he’s posted a grand total of three tweets, one per day, each one riffing on the idea that he’s pathetically… Read more »

No Complaining, Just Celebrating the Cape and Aunt Alison

I’m not a man prone to big shows of emotion (excepting, of course, rage) or speaking about things with dramatic flourishes. I don’t tend to run very hot or very cold and therefore lack the emotional reserves to pull that sort of thing off. So please, bear that in mind as you read this. When I go heartfelt, it can… Read more »

Other Groundhog Day news

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In case you haven’t heard, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, which means six more weeks of winter. In other news, Nancy Pelosi saw her shadow, which means six more weeks without health-care reform. Also, Barack Obama saw his shadow, but insisted he inherited it from George W. Bush. Scott Brown saw his shadow, but announced it’s not his… Read more »

Nerdiest. Rap. Ever.

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Courtesy of last Monday’s Planet Money podcast (which I just listened to this morning), here’s a gloriously dorky hip-hop video produced by, featuring John Maynard Keynes and F. A. Hayek debating about economics — in rap form. Heh. Brilliant!

CotW: In Which Tim Worries About an Inconsequential Candy Bar or Two

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We’re gonna slow it down and go a little old school this week. This is the sort of thing Complaint of the Week was when it started. I’d take a piece of current culture, way overvalue it, and weep for the end of civilization. Today you might know it as the Glenn Beck approach. HOOO-AH!!! Ahem…anyway. Stop me if you’ve… Read more »