Category Archives: Utter Miscellany

The iPad, then and now

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Here is Apple’s promotional video thingy for the iPad: You can watch the entire Stevenote here. Meanwhile, here’s an ad for the original iPad, from a Mad TV skit way back in 2007 2005. (Warning: off-color bodily humor.) Heh. UPDATE: The authors of the sketch talked about their comic prescience on NPR yesterday. (Hat tip: Patrick Cullen.)

Life imitates The Onion

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First came this fake news report from the Onion News Network… …and then, as if in answer, this real photo, featured today on the Drudge Report, of Obama speaking at an elementary school — with a pair of teleprompters in tow: Heh. As actual political commentary, the Obama-teleprompter meme is pretty dumb; as comedy, however, it’s pretty damn funny. Case… Read more »

Complaint of the Week: So This is the New Year and I Don’t Feel Any Better

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Complaint of the Week: So This is the New Year and I Don’t Feel Any Better   It should be noted that I will not hesitate to steal song lyrics from anyone (ANYONE), even Death Cab for Cutie, if it suits my whims. I. Will. Not. Hesitate.   Moving on…   So, 2010 started a mere eight days ago and… Read more »

Nice kitty

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Becky’s parents had an unexpected visitor in their back yard this morning: Meow.