Category Archives: The Guest Room

BYU reaches out to WCC; WAC remains in limbo; Idaho screwed

Jon Wilner of the San Jose Mercury News added a late night update to his blog with some new info on the MWC/WAC conference shakeup and BYU’s next moves. First, there is the news that BYU has reached out to the West Coast Conference. The WCC doesn’t have football, so this would be the destination for BYU’s other sports if… Read more »

Gazing into the crystal football to predict the future

Over at, Stewart Mandel and Andy Staples have joined forces to make 10 bold (and not so bold) predictions on the directions college football will take over the next decade. The whole thing is a great read, but here are some of the highlights: First, looking back, Mandel and Staples note that, at the beginning of the last decade,… Read more »

CotW: Acts of Madmen

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This Tuesday, less than three-quarters of a mile from my front door, employees of Hartford Distributors, Inc., their friends and family, emergency vehicles and personnel, and members of the press gathered at Manchester High School, on the lawn and parking lot, and across the street, because some three miles away from my front door, a man had opened fire on… Read more »

Are these the Pac-10 divisions?

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Clearly, based on the picture below, taken at Pac-10 media day, we can see how the new divisons are going to shake out (with Colorado and Utah split between the two): Division A: Arizona, ASU, Cal, Oregon, Oregon State Division B: Stanford, UCLA, USC, Washington, Washington State What do you mean, it’s insane to base my conclusions on this completely… Read more »

Pac-12 to start in 2011?

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An article in the Denver Post today mentions comments from Big 12 Commissioner Dan Beebe indicating that Colorado will depart after this year and join the Pac-10 in 2011 rather than 2012. I’ve gotta admit, the Pac-12 starting in 2012 had a nice symmetry to it, but it’s probably better for all involved that it happen sooner rather than later.

Words I Never Expected To Type

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Not me, Kevin Williamson: Man, I miss the fiscal discipline of the Bush era! Gulp. I never expected to write those words. The Bush-era Republicans were out-of-control big spenders, fiending for appropriations, handing out largesse, creating giant new health-care entitlements here, building nations there, all with a devil-may-care attitude about where the money would come from. They were all carrot… Read more »

The best of times, the worst of times

      1 Comment on The best of times, the worst of times’s Pac-10 blogger Ted Miller has been having some fun with some best case/worst case scenarios for each of the confernence teams in his blog recently, but today’s take on Oregon was the most hilarious by far, finishing with this gem for their worst case scenario: Oregon loses the Las Vegas Bowl to Utah and finishes 8-5. Phil Knight converts… Read more »