Category Archives: The Guest Room

Zipp(er)ing along?

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Jon Wilner of the San Jose Mercury News has a new blog post with updates on the Pac-10/Pac-12 realignment and other conference issues. Particularly interesting are the following: The “zipper” plan is gaining traction thanks to a number of factors, including: – The Northwest schools’ reluctance to give up games in the L.A. area – The California schools’ desire to… Read more »

CotW: Tim Helps You Plan Your Movie Watching Week, 7/8/10-7/14/10

After a brutally lackluster June (and I say this as a movie fan who can be persuaded to go to the cinema with the weakest of arguments on almost any occasion), July has arrived! And yes, this past week was, shall we say, a bit disconcerting—while I have not seen it, I understand critics and people alike failed to take… Read more »

A short rant on the Census ACS form

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[Bumped to top. -ed.] In preface, I think I’ve officially become a cranky old man… I don’t have any problem with the short form Census that was sent out earlier in the year. It is a Constitutionally mandated function of the government, and an accurate count of the population is necessary for a number of things. But all they really… Read more »

“Christ, I miss the Cold War!” ;}

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The quote, of course, is from “M” as wonderfully portrayed by Judi Dench in “Casino Royale”, 2006. The inspiration is from the FBI, which has just busted a veritable burrowfull of Russian moles, operating here under Deep Cover for many years. No one answered the telephone late Monday afternoon at the news media office for the Russian Embassy. A State… Read more »