Category Archives: The Guest Room

CotW: Time to Put It Out to Pasture

Law & Order, arguably the Val Kilmer of procedural TV shows, is apparently ending this year after, I don’t know, let’s say 349 seasons. And while that’s a shame for the middle aged and shut-ins who cannot tolerate watching anything but the same show over and over again, it got me to thinking about what else has had a good… Read more »

Google announces GoogleTV

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On the second day of Google’s I/O conference today, the search giant announced a new product, GoogleTV. The platform, which will be available built in to at least some Sony TVs, as well as available in stand-alone boxes (think TiVO or your cable DVR box), combines your DVR functionality (including program guide), web-based video sites like Hulu, and Netflix streaming…. Read more »

CotW: Leaving Connecticut College (Again)

Seven years ago I graduated from Connecticut College. Approximately 10 months ago, I returned to Conn as a Practicum Trainee in the Student Counseling Services office. For 20 hours a week, I sat with clients from the student population and, hopefully, helped them out in some small measure. Tonight, I just completed my last full shift in that role. For… Read more »

Details emerge in the saga of the iPhone prototype

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Earlier today a judge in California unsealed the affidavit in the case of the stolen iPhone prototype revealing new details about the incident. The full document is available here. Some highlights: Brian Hogan (the finder) obtained the identity of the phones owner, Gray Powell, before the phone was remotely erased but never contacted Powell or Apple as some had claimed…. Read more »

Culture of Losing

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[Bumped. -ed.] For those of you who were unaware, the Stanley Cup Playoffs continue, even with Buffalo’s ouster. My team, the Pittsburgh Penguins, is about to play the 8 seed Montreal Canadiens, who just pulled off an upset of monumental proportions over the top seed Washington Capitals and their star studded lineup. The Caps had a 3-1 lead earlier in… Read more »

UW President to head NCAA

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The University of Washington’s Mark Emmert is Indiana-bound, replacing Myles Brand as the NCAA’s president. You think maybe NOW we’ll get some changes to that excessive celebration rule that was used against Jake Locker in the BYU game in 2008?

CotW: Guns, Guns Everywhere

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So, I was going to shirk my duty this week and not write a Complaint at all. I’ve been writing papers like mad and frankly the thought of spending more time at my keyboard made me a bit sick to my stomach. But then, I spotted this article on my Sidebar feed and read it and it got me thinking…. Read more »