Category Archives: The Guest Room

Hatch hatches Hillary hearsay

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Oh, that Orrin is such a gossip: Sen. Orrin Hatch says he’s heard Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s name mentioned in connection with the Supreme Court vacancy… [O]n NBC’s “Today” show, the Utah Republican said only, “I heard Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s name today and that would be an interesting person in the mix.” Hatch wouldn’t say whether he’d… Read more »

CotW: Tim Explains It All

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I’m back from Spring Break (Woohoo, Spring Break! Take a look at these! They’re jiggling for you! Say goodbye to these Michael because it’ll be the last time you’ll see them!) Ahem…anyway, I was crippled by guilt over having abandoned you guys without content for oh so long, so I had to make it up to you. And how better… Read more »

CotW: The Horrible Things We Do To Trucks

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Generally speaking, the world is a terrible place filled with wretched injustice everywhere you turn. And, if I understand my television and local editorial board correctly, it has only gotten worse since the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare aka The Single Worst Crime the US Government has Ever Committed Against Its Citizens including McCarthyism,… Read more »

All Your Gene Are Belong To Us

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You may die because of a gene patent that should never have been granted. The owner of that patent owns the gene that exists in your body. It’s private property. Well, according to the late Michael Crichton anyway. Good golly, that sounds frightening. What should and should not be patentable has been the subject of debate – and legal disputes… Read more »

Why can’t Republicans be more like this?

I’ll be honest, I don’t know much about David Frum, but if more Republicans behaved the way he does in this CNN piece he wrote, it would be better for our entire country. He lays out specific things he would change about the bill. He doesn’t accuse Democrats of being evil, hating freedom, wanting to destroy America etc. He doesn’t… Read more »