Category Archives: The Guest Room

Ducks QB suspended for 2010 season

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Oregon Ducks QB Jeremiah Masoli has been suspended by head coach Chip Kelly for the 2010 season following his guilty plea of second degree burglary. Masoli and former Ducks WR Garrett Embry stole two laptops and a guitar from a campus fraternity. Embry had been kicked off the team prior to the theft. Each faces 12 months of probation, 140… Read more »

CotW:A Disaster Movie in Every Sense of the Word (Or Tim Applies Very Too Indepth An Analysis to 2012)

While 2012 came out in theatres way back in November, it just arrived on DVD this Tuesday and that made me think it was the perfect time to revisit it. And by revisit, I mean offer commentary on. And my commentary begins like this “Fuck you, 2012, fuck you very much.” Oh, Spoiler Warnings, by the by. And occasional profanity,… Read more »

CotW: The Democratic Party by Any Other Name Would Not…

I made the mistake of watching too many people talk about the bipartisan health care this week and it put me in a foul mood. So I decided to run this column that I wrote awhile ago, and had initially thought, “Nah, too bitter.” If you don’t like it, blame the parade of talking heads claiming, “It’s a trap,” after… Read more »

From Pac-10 to… Pac-16?

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With all the talk about potential Pac-10 expansion, Buster Sports’ Nick Daschel has an intriguing proposal: Pac-16. He proposes not simply adding 2 teams, but a whopping 6, and when you think about it, it’s a pretty great idea. He advocates wooing Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Colorado and Baylor out of the Big 12, and Utah out of the… Read more »

CotW: In Defense of Saint Valentine and His Day

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This is a piece I ran twice when I was in college because it was a.) very popular and b.) my then-girlfriend, now wife, liked it so much I had to run it again. When I first wrote it I was single, the second time I was with Janelle. Now, obviously, I’m married. But I still stand by it. It… Read more »

CotW: JTV Decree of 2010: Know It, Use It, Love It

So a few weeks ago, I spoke of Swordfish, the most breathtaking film of 2001, and put forward the idea that making John Travolta a villain is never a bad idea. Which I am very right back. Last week, a new movie called From Paris with Love was released, and it stars Travolta, and while he’s not a bad guy,… Read more »

What In the…

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Seriously, This story just seems kind of crazy. The prosecutor and sherif should have been laughed out of court for this one. Because if it is seriously a class 3 felony to report a doctor to the state medical board for multiple instances of malpractice we have some really serious issues with our health care and legal system. And it… Read more »